
238 lines
7.6 KiB

% ePDG implementation of SWm Diameter interface, TS 29.273 section 7
% This interface is so far implemented through internal erlang messages against
% the internal AAA Server.
-record(swm_state, {
sessions = sets:new()
-record(swm_session, {
imsi :: string(),
pid :: pid()
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
-export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
-export([auth_request/4, auth_compl_request/2,
session_termination_request/1, abort_session_answer/1]).
-export([auth_response/2, auth_compl_response/2,
session_termination_answer/2, abort_session_request/1]).
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
% The ets table contains only IMSIs
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
init([]) ->
{ok, #swm_state{}}.
%% Swm Diameter message Diameter-EAP-Request, 3GPP TS 29.273 Table
auth_request(Imsi, PdpTypeNr, Apn, EAP) ->
% In Diameter we use Imsi as strings, as done by diameter module.
ImsiStr = binary_to_list(Imsi),
% PdpTypeNr: SWm Diameter AVP "UE-Local-IP-Address"
% Apn: SWm Diameter AVP "Service-Selection"
% EAP: SWm Diameter AVP EAP-Payload
Result = gen_server:call(?SERVER, {epdg_auth_req, ImsiStr, PdpTypeNr, Apn, EAP}),
case Result of
{ok, _AuthTuples} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_auth_response(self(), Result),
_ -> Result
% Rx "GSUP CEAI LU Req" is our way of saying Rx "Swm Diameter-EAP REQ (DER) with EAP AVP containing successuful auth":
auth_compl_request(Imsi, Apn) ->
% In Diameter we use Imsi as strings, as done by diameter module.
ImsiStr = binary_to_list(Imsi),
Result = gen_server:call(?SERVER, {epdg_auth_compl_req, ImsiStr, Apn}),
case Result of
{ok, _Mar} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_auth_compl_response(self(), Result),
_ -> Result
% 3GPP TS 29.273
session_termination_request(Imsi) ->
% In Diameter we use Imsi as strings, as done by diameter module.
ImsiStr = binary_to_list(Imsi),
Result = gen_server:call(?SERVER, {str, ImsiStr}),
case Result of
{ok, _Mar} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_session_terminate_answer(self(), Result),
_ -> Result
% 3GPP TS 29.273
abort_session_answer(Imsi) ->
% In Diameter we use Imsi as strings, as done by diameter module.
ImsiStr = binary_to_list(Imsi),
Result = gen_server:call(?SERVER, {asa, ImsiStr}),
case Result of
{ok, _Mar} ->
_ -> Result
handle_call({epdg_auth_req, Imsi, PdpTypeNr, Apn, EAP}, {Pid, _Tag} = _From, State0) ->
% we yet don't implement the Diameter SWm interface on the wire, we process the call internally:
{_Sess, State1} = find_or_new_swm_session(Imsi, Pid, State0),
ok = aaa_diameter_swm:auth_request(Imsi, PdpTypeNr, Apn, EAP),
{reply, ok, State1};
handle_call({epdg_auth_compl_req, Imsi, Apn}, _From, State) ->
% we yet don't implement the Diameter SWm interface on the wire, we process the call internally:
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
Reply = aaa_diameter_swm:auth_compl_request(Imsi, Apn);
undefined ->
Reply = {error,unknown_imsi}
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({str, Imsi}, _From, State) ->
% we yet don't implement the Diameter SWm interface on the wire, we process the call internally:
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
Reply = aaa_diameter_swm:session_termination_request(Imsi);
undefined ->
Reply = {error,unknown_imsi}
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({asa, Imsi}, _From, State) ->
% we yet don't implement the Diameter SWm interface on the wire, we process the call internally:
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
Reply = aaa_diameter_swm:abort_session_answer(Imsi);
undefined ->
Reply = {error,unknown_imsi}
{reply, Reply, State}.
handle_cast({epdg_auth_resp, Imsi, Result}, State) ->
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_auth_response(Sess#swm_session.pid, Result);
undefined ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown swm_session", {module, ?MODULE}, {imsi, Imsi}, {state, State}])
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({epdg_auth_compl_resp, Imsi, Result}, State) ->
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_auth_compl_response(Sess#swm_session.pid, Result);
undefined ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown swm_session", {module, ?MODULE}, {imsi, Imsi}, {state, State}])
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({sta, Imsi, Result}, State) ->
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
epdg_ue_fsm:received_swm_session_termination_answer(Sess#swm_session.pid, Result);
undefined ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown swm_session", {module, ?MODULE}, {imsi, Imsi}, {state, State}])
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({asr, Imsi}, State) ->
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
undefined ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown swm_session", {module, ?MODULE}, {imsi, Imsi}, {state, State}])
{noreply, State};
handle_cast(Info, S) ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_cast", {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info}, {state, S}]),
{noreply, S}.
handle_info(Info, S) ->
error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_info", {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info}, {state, S}]),
{noreply, S}.
stop() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
terminate(Reason, _S) ->
lager:info("terminating ~p with reason ~p~n", [?MODULE, Reason]).
%% Emulation from the wire (DIAMETER SWm), called from internal AAA Server:
auth_response(Imsi, Result) ->
ok = gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {epdg_auth_resp, Imsi, Result}).
%Rx Swm Diameter-EAP Answer (DEA) containing APN-Configuration, triggered by
%earlier Tx DER EAP AVP containing successuful auth":
auth_compl_response(Imsi, Result) ->
ok = gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {epdg_auth_compl_resp, Imsi, Result}).
% Rx SWm Diameter STA:
session_termination_answer(Imsi, Result) ->
ok = gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {sta, Imsi, Result}).
% Rx SWm Diameter ASR:
abort_session_request(Imsi) ->
ok = gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {asr, Imsi}).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal Function Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
new_swm_session(Imsi, Pid, State) ->
Sess = #swm_session{imsi = Imsi,
pid = Pid
NewSt = State#swm_state{sessions = sets:add_element(Sess, State#swm_state.sessions)},
{Sess, NewSt}.
% returns Sess if found, undefined it not
find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State) ->
{Imsi, Res} = sets:fold(
fun(SessIt = #swm_session{imsi = LookupImsi}, {LookupImsi, _AccIn}) -> {LookupImsi, SessIt};
(_, AccIn) -> AccIn
{Imsi, undefined},
find_or_new_swm_session(Imsi, Pid, State) ->
Sess = find_swm_session_by_imsi(Imsi, State),
case Sess of
#swm_session{imsi = Imsi} ->
% Update Pid since it may have changed:
Sess1 = Sess#swm_session{pid = Pid},
State1 = update_swm_session(Sess, Sess1, State),
{Sess1, State1};
undefined ->
new_swm_session(Imsi, Pid, State)
update_swm_session(OldSess, NewSess, State) ->
SetRemoved = sets:del_element(OldSess, State#swm_state.sessions),
SetUpdated = sets:add_element(NewSess, SetRemoved),
State#swm_state{sessions = SetUpdated}.