multi-voltage UART (C) 2016 Harald Welte Mfg: sysmocom CC-BY-SA >VERSION multi-voltage UART >VERSION <b>0603</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Pin Header Connectors</b><p> <author>Created by</author> <b>PIN HEADER</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>PIN HEADER</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>PIN HEADER</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>Jumpers</b><p> <author>Created by</author> <b>JUMPER</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>PCB Matrix Packages</b><p> >NAME >VALUE TSOP-6 CAS E318G-02 ISSUE V (ON Semiconductor) >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE <b>PCB Matrix Packages</b><p> >NAME >VALUE <b>Hirose Connectors</b><p><p> Include : <br> con-hirose-df12d(3.0)60dp0.5v80.lbr from Bob Starr &lt;;<br> con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &lt;;<br> <b>MINI USB Connector HI-SPEED Certified</b> Metal Shield SMT Type With Positioning Post<p> Source: >NAME >VALUE <BR>Würth Elektronik -- EMC & Inductive Solutions<br><Hr> Version 7.0, March 6-th 2014 <hr> <BR><BR> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3><BR><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><BR></FONT> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3><br> -----<BR> -----<BR> -----<BR> -----<BR> -----<BR><BR></FONT> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3><br> ---------------------------<BR> <B><I><span style='font-size:26pt; color:#FF6600;'>WE </span></i></b> <BR> ---------------------------<BR><b>Würth Elektronik</b></FONT> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3><br> ---------O---<BR> ----O--------<BR> ---------O---<BR> ----O--------<BR> ---------O---<BR><BR></FONT> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><BR></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=7>&nbsp; </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than you expect<BR><BR><BR></B> <HR><BR> <b>Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG</b><br> EMC & Inductive Solutions<br> Max-Eyth-Str.1<br> D-74638 Waldenburg<br> <br> Tel: +49 (0)7942-945-0<br> Fax:+49 (0)7942-945-5000<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a> <BR><BR> <br><HR><BR> Neither CadSoft nor WE-eiSos does warrant that this library is error-free or <br> that it meets your specific requirements.<br><BR> Please contact us for more information.<br><BR><br> <HR> Copyright: Würth Elektronik TVS Diode Array WE-TVS >NAME >VALUE <b>EAGLE Design Rules</b> <p> Die Standard-Design-Rules sind so gewählt, dass sie für die meisten Anwendungen passen. Sollte ihre Platine besondere Anforderungen haben, treffen Sie die erforderlichen Einstellungen hier und speichern die Design Rules unter einem neuen Namen ab. <b>EAGLE Design Rules</b> <p> The default Design Rules have been set to cover a wide range of applications. Your particular design may have different requirements, so please make the necessary adjustments and save your customized design rules under a new name. <b>Seeed Studio EAGLE Design Rules</b>