ISDN/POTS breakout board for Nokia EKSOS N20 (c) 2023 by Harald Welte / CC-BY-SA ISDN/POTS breakout board for Nokia EKSOS N20 (c) 2023 by Harald Welte / CC-BY-SA >REVISION <b>Harting & 3M Connectors</b><p> Low profile connectors, straight<p> <author>Created by</author> <b>HARTING</b> >NAME >VALUE 1 2 64 Connfly Electronic Co. Ltd. DS1130 Series PCB Jack 8 Port >NAME Gewindeblock 6c6x12/M3 >NAME <p><strong>Open Source Hardware PCB Logos</strong> <p>A simple polygon based version of the OSHWA logos for use on Eagle PCB's <p>For use please refer to the OSHWA definition at <a href=""></a> <p>Based on the NBitWonder version (<a href=""></a>) <p><strong>Andrew Cooper</strong><br>28Nov2016<br><a href=""></a> open source hardware <b>Aisler Design Rules - 2 Layers - simple</b> <p> Please note that the design rules provided here constitute the limit of our manufacturing capabilities. Especially in combination with the autorouter, boards are not guaranteed to be functional. So if possible, try not to exploit the drc minimum. Everything else you will find on <b>Aisler Design Rules - 2 Layers - simple</b> <p> Please note that the design rules provided here constitute the limit of our manufacturing capabilities. Especially in combination with the autorouter, boards are not guaranteed to be functional. So if possible, try not to exploit the drc minimum. Everything else you will find on Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line, which will not be processed correctly with this version.