STM32L1 support, rebased onto upstream generalizations branch.

Working example again.
This commit is contained in:
Karl Palsson 2012-10-20 19:37:46 +00:00
parent e4f84278f2
commit 4941286454
7 changed files with 84 additions and 285 deletions

View File

@ -25,27 +25,32 @@ LD = $(PREFIX)-gcc
OBJCOPY = $(PREFIX)-objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(PREFIX)-objdump
GDB = $(PREFIX)-gdb
# If you are copying this file to use in your own project,
# You will need to change this... (Leave unset to assume installed
# in the toolchain itself)
#OPENCM3_DIR ?= /opt/libopencm3/$(PREFIX)
OPENCM3_DIR ?= ../../../../..
ARCH_FLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -msoft-float
CFLAGS += -g -Os -Wall -Wextra \
TOOLCHAIN_DIR ?= ../../../../..
ifeq ($(wildcard ../../../../../lib/libopencm3_stm32l1.a),)
ifneq ($(strip $(shell which $(CC))),)
TOOLCHAIN_DIR := $(shell dirname `which $(CC)`)/../$(PREFIX)
ifeq ($(V),1)
$(info We seem to be building the example in the source directory. Using local library!)
$(info GAHHHH toolchain: $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR))
ARCH_FLAGS = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -msoft-float
CFLAGS += -Os -g -Wall -Wextra -I$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/include \
-fno-common $(ARCH_FLAGS) -MD -DSTM32L1
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group \
LDFLAGS += --static -Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group \
-T$(LDSCRIPT) -nostartfiles -Wl,--gc-sections \
$(ARCH_FLAGS) -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd
ifneq ($(OPENCM3_DIR),)
CFLAGS += -I$(OPENCM3_DIR)/include
LDFLAGS += -L$(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib -L$(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib/stm32/l1
SCRIPT_DIR = $(shell dirname $(shell readlink -f $(shell which $(PREFIX)-gcc)))/../$(PREFIX)/share
@ -95,11 +100,7 @@ flash: $(BINARY).flash
@#printf " OBJDUMP $(*).list\n"
$(Q)$(OBJDUMP) -S $(*).elf > $(*).list
ifeq ($(OPENCM3_DIR),)
%.elf: $(OBJS) $(LDSCRIPT)
%.elf: $(OBJS) $(LDSCRIPT) $(OPENCM3_DIR)/lib/stm32/l1/libopencm3_stm32l1.a
%.elf: $(OBJS) $(LDSCRIPT) $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/lib/libopencm3_stm32l1.a
@#printf " LD $(subst $(shell pwd)/,,$(@))\n"
$(Q)$(LD) -o $(*).elf $(OBJS) -lopencm3_stm32l1 $(LDFLAGS)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
BINARY = miniblink
LDSCRIPT = ../stm32l15xxB.ld
LDSCRIPT = ../../../../../lib/stm32/l1/stm32l15xxb.ld
include ../../Makefile.include

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
includeguard: LIBOPENCM3_STM32_L1_NVIC_H
partname_humanreadable: STM32 L1 series
partname_doxygen: STM32L1
- wwdg
- pvd
- tamper
- rtc
- flash
- rcc
- exti0
- exti1
- exti2
- exti3
- exti4
- dma1_channel1
- dma1_channel2
- dma1_channel3
- dma1_channel4
- dma1_channel5
- dma1_channel6
- dma1_channel7
- adc1
- usb_hp
- usb_lp
- dac
- comp
- exti9_5
- lcd
- tim9
- tim10
- tim11
- tim2
- tim3
- tim4
- i2c1_ev
- i2c1_er
- i2c2_ev
- i2c2_er
- spi1
- spi2
- usart1
- usart2
- usart3
- exti15_10
- rtc_alarm
- usb_wakeup
- tim6
- tim7

View File

@ -25,34 +25,12 @@ CC = $(PREFIX)-gcc
AR = $(PREFIX)-ar
CFLAGS = -Os -g -Wall -Wextra -I../../../include -fno-common \
-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -Wstrict-prototypes \
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MD -DSTM32L1
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MD -DSTM32F1
# ARFLAGS = rcsv
OBJS = vector.o desig.o crc.o gpio.o rcc.o
OBJS = rcc.o gpio.o desig.o crc.o
VPATH += ../../usb:../
VPATH += ../../usb:../:../../cm3
# Be silent per default, but 'make V=1' will show all compiler calls.
ifneq ($(V),1)
Q := @
all: $(LIBNAME).a
@printf " AR $(subst $(shell pwd)/,,$(@))\n"
$(Q)$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^
%.o: %.c
@printf " CC $(subst $(shell pwd)/,,$(@))\n"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
@printf " CLEAN lib/stm32/f1\n"
$(Q)rm -f *.o *.d
$(Q)rm -f $(LIBNAME).a
.PHONY: clean
-include $(OBJS:.o=.d)
include ../../Makefile.include

View File

@ -30,21 +30,18 @@ ENTRY(reset_handler)
/* Define sections. */
. = ORIGIN(rom);
.text : {
*(.vectors) /* Vector table */
*(.text*) /* Program code */
. = ALIGN(4);
*(.rodata*) /* Read-only data */
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .;
} >rom
* Another section used by C++ stuff, appears when using newlib with
* 64bit (long long) printf support
* Another section used by C++ stuff, appears when using newlib with
* 64bit (long long) printf support
.ARM.extab : {
} >rom
@ -54,21 +51,23 @@ SECTIONS
__exidx_end = .;
} >rom
. = ORIGIN(ram);
. = ALIGN(4);
_etext = .;
.data : AT (__exidx_end) {
.data : {
_data = .;
*(.data*) /* Read-write initialized data */
. = ALIGN(4);
_edata = .;
} >ram
} >ram AT >rom
_data_loadaddr = LOADADDR(.data);
.bss : {
*(.bss*) /* Read-write zero initialized data */
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .;
} >ram AT >rom
} >ram
* The .eh_frame section appears to be used for C++ exception handling.

View File

@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the libopencm3 project.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Piotr Esden-Tempski <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Karl Palsson <>
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library. If not, see <>.
#define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
/* Symbols exported by the linker script(s). */
extern unsigned __exidx_end, _data, _edata, _ebss, _stack;
void main(void);
void reset_handler(void);
void blocking_handler(void);
void null_handler(void);
void WEAK nmi_handler(void);
void WEAK hard_fault_handler(void);
void WEAK mem_manage_handler(void);
void WEAK bus_fault_handler(void);
void WEAK usage_fault_handler(void);
void WEAK sv_call_handler(void);
void WEAK debug_monitor_handler(void);
void WEAK pend_sv_handler(void);
void WEAK sys_tick_handler(void);
void WEAK wwdg_isr(void);
void WEAK pvd_isr(void);
void WEAK tamper_isr(void);
void WEAK rtc_isr(void);
void WEAK flash_isr(void);
void WEAK rcc_isr(void);
void WEAK exti0_isr(void);
void WEAK exti1_isr(void);
void WEAK exti2_isr(void);
void WEAK exti3_isr(void);
void WEAK exti4_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel1_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel2_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel3_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel4_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel5_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel6_isr(void);
void WEAK dma1_channel7_isr(void);
void WEAK adc1_isr(void);
void WEAK usb_hp_isr(void);
void WEAK usb_lp_isr(void);
void WEAK dac_isr(void);
void WEAK comp_isr(void);
void WEAK exti9_5_isr(void);
void WEAK lcd_isr(void);
void WEAK tim9_isr(void);
void WEAK tim10_isr(void);
void WEAK tim11_isr(void);
void WEAK tim2_isr(void);
void WEAK tim3_isr(void);
void WEAK tim4_isr(void);
void WEAK i2c1_ev_isr(void);
void WEAK i2c1_er_isr(void);
void WEAK i2c2_ev_isr(void);
void WEAK i2c2_er_isr(void);
void WEAK spi1_isr(void);
void WEAK spi2_isr(void);
void WEAK usart1_isr(void);
void WEAK usart2_isr(void);
void WEAK usart3_isr(void);
void WEAK exti15_10_isr(void);
void WEAK rtc_alarm_isr(void);
void WEAK usb_wakeup_isr(void);
void WEAK tim6_isr(void);
void WEAK tim7_isr(void);
__attribute__ ((section(".vectors")))
void (*const vector_table[]) (void) = {
(void*)&_stack, /* Addr: 0x0000_0000 */
reset_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0004 */
nmi_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0008 */
hard_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_000C */
mem_manage_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0010 */
bus_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0014 */
usage_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0018 */
0, 0, 0, 0, /* Reserved Addr: 0x0000_001C - 0x0000_002B */
sv_call_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_002C */
debug_monitor_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0030*/
0, /* Reserved Addr: 0x0000_00034 */
pend_sv_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0038 */
sys_tick_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_003C */
wwdg_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0040 */
pvd_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0044 */
tamper_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0048 */
rtc_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_004C */
flash_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0050 */
rcc_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0054 */
exti0_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0058 */
exti1_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_005C */
exti2_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0060 */
exti3_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0064 */
exti4_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0068 */
dma1_channel1_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_006C */
dma1_channel2_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0070 */
dma1_channel3_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0074 */
dma1_channel4_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0078 */
dma1_channel5_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_007C */
dma1_channel6_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0080 */
dma1_channel7_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0084 */
adc1_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0088 */
usb_hp_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_008C */
usb_lp_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0090 */
dac_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0094 */
comp_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_0098 */
exti9_5_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_009C */
lcd_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00A0 */
tim9_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00A4 */
tim10_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00A8 */
tim11_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00AC */
tim2_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00B0 */
tim3_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00B4 */
tim4_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00B8 */
i2c1_ev_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00BC */
i2c1_er_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00C0 */
i2c2_ev_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00C4 */
i2c2_er_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00C8 */
spi1_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00CC */
spi2_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00D0 */
usart1_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00D4 */
usart2_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00D8 */
usart3_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00DC */
exti15_10_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00E0 */
rtc_alarm_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00E4 */
usb_wakeup_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00E8 */
tim6_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00EC */
tim7_isr, /* Addr: 0x0000_00F0 */
void reset_handler(void)
volatile unsigned *src, *dest;
__asm__("MSR msp, %0" : : "r"(&_stack));
for (src = &__exidx_end, dest = &_data; dest < &_edata; src++, dest++)
*dest = *src;
while (dest < &_ebss)
*dest++ = 0;
/* Call the application's entry point. */
void blocking_handler(void)
while (1) ;
void null_handler(void)
/* Do nothing. */
#pragma weak nmi_handler = null_handler
#pragma weak hard_fault_handler = blocking_handler
#pragma weak mem_manage_handler = blocking_handler
#pragma weak bus_fault_handler = blocking_handler
#pragma weak usage_fault_handler = blocking_handler
#pragma weak sv_call_handler = null_handler
#pragma weak debug_monitor_handler = null_handler
#pragma weak pend_sv_handler = null_handler
#pragma weak sys_tick_handler = null_handler
#pragma weak wwdg_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak pvd_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tamper_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak rtc_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak flash_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak rcc_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti0_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti1_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti2_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti3_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti4_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel1_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel2_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel3_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel4_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel5_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel6_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dma1_channel7_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak adc1_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usb_hp_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usb_lp_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak dac_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak comp_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti9_5_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak lcd_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim9_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim10_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim11_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim2_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim3_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim4_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak i2c1_ev_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak i2c1_er_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak i2c2_ev_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak i2c2_er_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak spi1_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak spi2_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usart1_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usart2_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usart3_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak exti15_10_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak rtc_alarm_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak usb_wakeup_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim6_isr = null_handler
#pragma weak tim7_isr = null_handler