Fork 0

Fix some lexer bugs:

- Bad ethernet addresses no longer have to end with a colon
- Host names no longer have to be at least two characters long
- Bad tokens no longer have to end with an "i"
This commit is contained in:
fenner 2001-08-20 18:17:29 +00:00
parent 380a3dbf49
commit 144240e695
1 changed files with 5 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#ifndef lint
static const char rcsid[] =
"@(#) $Header: /tcpdump/master/libpcap/scanner.l,v 1.78 2001-05-30 01:27:22 fenner Exp $ (LBL)";
"@(#) $Header: /tcpdump/master/libpcap/scanner.l,v 1.79 2001-08-20 18:17:29 fenner Exp $ (LBL)";
@ -278,36 +278,12 @@ ${B} { yylval.e = pcap_ether_aton(((char *)yytext)+1);
bpf_error("IPv6 address %s not supported", yytext);
#endif /*INET6*/
{B}:+({B}:+)+ { bpf_error("bogus ethernet address %s", yytext); }
icmptype { yylval.i = 0; return NUM; }
icmpcode { yylval.i = 1; return NUM; }
icmp-echoreply { yylval.i = 0; return NUM; }
icmp-unreach { yylval.i = 3; return NUM; }
icmp-sourcequench { yylval.i = 4; return NUM; }
icmp-redirect { yylval.i = 5; return NUM; }
icmp-echo { yylval.i = 8; return NUM; }
icmp-routeradvert { yylval.i = 9; return NUM; }
icmp-routersolicit { yylval.i = 10; return NUM; }
icmp-timxceed { yylval.i = 11; return NUM; }
icmp-paramprob { yylval.i = 12; return NUM; }
icmp-tstamp { yylval.i = 13; return NUM; }
icmp-tstampreply { yylval.i = 14; return NUM; }
icmp-ireq { yylval.i = 15; return NUM; }
icmp-ireqreply { yylval.i = 16; return NUM; }
icmp-maskreq { yylval.i = 17; return NUM; }
icmp-maskreply { yylval.i = 18; return NUM; }
tcpflags { yylval.i = 13; return NUM; }
tcp-fin { yylval.i = 0x01; return NUM; }
tcp-syn { yylval.i = 0x02; return NUM; }
tcp-rst { yylval.i = 0x04; return NUM; }
tcp-push { yylval.i = 0x08; return NUM; }
tcp-ack { yylval.i = 0x10; return NUM; }
tcp-urg { yylval.i = 0x20; return NUM; }
[A-Za-z0-9][-_.A-Za-z0-9]*[.A-Za-z0-9] {
({B}:+)+{B}? { bpf_error("bogus ethernet address %s", yytext); }
[A-Za-z0-9]([-_.A-Za-z0-9]*[.A-Za-z0-9])? {
yylval.s = sdup((char *)yytext); return ID; }
"\\"[^ !()\n\t]+ { yylval.s = sdup((char *)yytext + 1); return ID; }
[^ \[\]\t\n\-_.A-Za-z0-9!<>()&|=]+i {
bpf_error("illegal token: %s\n", yytext); }
[^ \[\]\t\n\-_.A-Za-z0-9!<>()&|=]+ {
bpf_error("illegal token: %s", yytext); }
. { bpf_error("illegal char '%c'", *yytext); }