
26 lines
919 B

enum bas_type {
typedef struct bas {
double samplerate;
enum bas_type type;
int fbas; /* if color shall be added */
double circle_radius; /* radius of circle in grid units */
int color_bar; /* show only color bar on all lines */
int grid_only; /* show only the grid */
const char *station_id; /* text to display as station id */
double color_phase; /* current phase of color carrier */
int v_polarity; /* polarity of V color vector */
unsigned short *img; /* image data, if it should be used */
int img_width, img_height; /* size of image */
iir_filter_t lp_y, lp_u, lp_v; /* low pass filters */
} bas_t;
void bas_init(bas_t *bas, double samplerate, enum bas_type type, int fbas, double circle_radius, int color_bar, int grid_only, const char *station_id, unsigned short *img, int width, int height);
int bas_generate(bas_t *bas, sample_t *sample);