
77 lines
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/* login to the network */
#define TRANS_EM (1 << 0) /* attach request received, sending reply */
/* roaming to different base station/network */
#define TRANS_UM (1 << 1) /* roaming request received, sending reply */
/* check if phone is still on */
#define TRANS_MA (1 << 2) /* periodic online check, waiting for time slot to send order */
#define TRANS_MFT (1 << 3) /* periodic online check sent, waiting for reply */
/* mobile originated call */
#define TRANS_VWG (1 << 4) /* received dialing request, waiting for time slot to send dial order */
#define TRANS_WAF (1 << 5) /* dial order sent, waiting for dialing */
#define TRANS_WBP (1 << 6) /* dialing received, waiting for time slot to acknowledge call */
#define TRANS_WBN (1 << 7) /* dialing received, waiting for time slot to reject call */
#define TRANS_VAG (1 << 8) /* establishment of call sent, switching channel */
/* mobile terminated call */
#define TRANS_WSK (1 << 9) /* incoming call in queue */
#define TRANS_VAK (1 << 10) /* establishment of call sent, switching channel */
/* traffic channel */
#define TRANS_BQ (1 << 11) /* accnowledge channel */
#define TRANS_ZFZ (1 << 12) /* hold call and send and receive challenge request */
#define TRANS_AP (1 << 13) /* hold call and send and receive challenge request */
#define TRANS_VHQ_K (1 << 14) /* hold call until speech channel or challenge response is available */
#define TRANS_VHQ_V (1 << 15) /* hold call while in conversation on distributed signalling */
#define TRANS_RTA (1 << 16) /* hold call and make the phone ring */
#define TRANS_DS (1 << 17) /* establish speech connection */
#define TRANS_AHQ (1 << 18) /* establish speech connection after answer */
/* release */
#define TRANS_VA (1 << 19) /* release call in queue by base station (OgK) */
#define TRANS_AF (1 << 20) /* release connection by base station (SpK) */
#define TRANS_AT (1 << 21) /* release connection by mobile station */
#define TRANS_ATQ (1 << 22) /* acknowledge release of MO call in queue */
#define TRANS_ATQ_IDLE (1 << 23) /* repeat, if call has been released already (mobile sends again) */
/* queue */
#define TRANS_MO_QUEUE (1 << 24) /* MO queue */
#define TRANS_MT_QUEUE (1 << 25) /* MT queue */
#define TRANS_MO_DELAY (1 << 26) /* delay to be sure the channel is free again */
#define TRANS_MT_DELAY (1 << 27)
typedef struct transaction {
struct transaction *next; /* pointer to next node in list */
cnetz_t *cnetz; /* pointer to cnetz instance */
int callref; /* callref for transaction */
uint8_t futln_nat; /* current station ID (3 values) */
uint8_t futln_fuvst;
uint16_t futln_rest;
int futelg_bit; /* chip card inside phone */
int extended; /* extended frequency capability */
char dialing[18]; /* number dialed by the phone */
int64_t state; /* state of transaction */
int8_t release_cause; /* reason for release, (c-netz coding) */
int try; /* counts resending messages */
int repeat; /* counts repeating messages */
struct timer timer; /* for varous timeouts */
int mo_call; /* flags a moile originating call */
int mt_call; /* flags a moile terminating call */
int page_failed; /* failed to get a response from MS */
double call_start; /* when did the call start? (used for metering) */
int queue_position; /* to find next transaction in queue */
double rf_level_db; /* level of first contact, so we can detect correct channel at multiple receptions */
} transaction_t;
const char *transaction2rufnummer(transaction_t *trans);
transaction_t *create_transaction(cnetz_t *cnetz, uint64_t state, uint8_t futln_nat, uint8_t futln_fuvst, uint16_t futln_rest, int futelg_bit, int extended, double rf_level_db);
void destroy_transaction(transaction_t *trans);
void link_transaction(transaction_t *trans, cnetz_t *cnetz);
void unlink_transaction(transaction_t *trans);
transaction_t *search_transaction(cnetz_t *cnetz, uint64_t state_mask);
transaction_t *search_transaction_number(cnetz_t *cnetz, uint8_t futln_nat, uint8_t futln_fuvst, uint16_t futln_rest);
transaction_t *search_transaction_number_global(uint8_t futln_nat, uint8_t futln_fuvst, uint16_t futln_rest);
transaction_t *search_transaction_callref(cnetz_t *cnetz, int callref);
transaction_t *search_transaction_queue(void);
void trans_new_state(transaction_t *trans, uint64_t state);
void cnetz_flush_other_transactions(cnetz_t *cnetz, transaction_t *trans);
void transaction_timeout(struct timer *timer);
const char *trans_short_state_name(uint64_t state);