
150 lines
6.8 KiB

#include "../libcompandor/compandor.h"
#include "../libtimer/timer.h"
#include "../libmobile/sender.h"
#include "fsk_demod.h"
#include "../libscrambler/scrambler.h"
#include "transaction.h"
#define CNETZ_OGK_KANAL 131
/* dsp modes of transmission */
enum dsp_mode {
DSP_SCHED_NONE = 0, /* use for sheduling: nothing to shedule */
DSP_MODE_OFF, /* send nothing on unused SpK */
DSP_MODE_OGK, /* send "Telegramm" on OgK */
DSP_MODE_SPK_K, /* send concentrated "Telegramm" SpK */
DSP_MODE_SPK_V, /* send distributed "Telegramm" SpK */
enum cnetz_chan_type {
CHAN_TYPE_OGK, /* pure standard organization channel (channel 131) */
CHAN_TYPE_SPK, /* pure traffic channel */
CHAN_TYPE_OGK_SPK, /* combined OGK + SPK; note: some phones may reject SPK on channel 131 */
/* current state of c-netz sender */
enum cnetz_state {
CNETZ_NULL, /* before power on */
CNETZ_IDLE, /* broadcasting LR/MLR on Ogk */
CNETZ_BUSY, /* currently processing a call, no other transaction allowed */
/* timers */
#define F_BQ 8 /* number of not received frames at BQ state */
#define F_VHQK 16 /* number of not received frames at VHQ state during concentrated signaling */
#define F_VHQ 16 /* number of not received frames at VHQ state during distributed signaling */
#define F_DS 16 /* number of not received frames at DS state */
#define F_RTA 16 /* number of not received frames at RTA state */
#define N_AFKT 6 /* number of release frames to send during concentrated signaling */
#define N_AFV 4 /* number of release frames to send during distributed signaling */
#define N 3 /* now many times we repeat a message on OgK */
#define T_VAG2 180 /* time on outgoing queue */
#define T_VAK 60 /* time on incoming queue */
/* clear causes */
#define CNETZ_CAUSE_GASSENBESETZT 0 /* network congested */
#define CNETZ_CAUSE_TEILNEHMERBESETZT 1 /* subscriber busy */
#define CNETZ_CAUSE_FUNKTECHNISCH 2 /* radio transmission fault */
struct cnetz;
struct telegramm;
struct clock_speed {
double meas_ti; /* time stamp for measurement interval */
double start_ti[4]; /* time stamp for start of counting */
double last_ti[4]; /* time stamp of last received time */
double spl_count[4]; /* sample counter for sound card */
/* making average of measurement values */
double speed_ppm[4][256]; /* history of clock speed measurements */
int idx[4]; /* index of current value */
int num[4]; /* total num of values so far */
/* instance of cnetz sender */
typedef struct cnetz {
sender_t sender;
enum cnetz_chan_type chan_type; /* channel type */
scrambler_t scrambler_tx; /* mirror what we transmit to MS */
scrambler_t scrambler_rx; /* mirror what we receive from MS */
compandor_t cstate;
int pre_emphasis; /* use pre_emphasis by this instance */
int de_emphasis; /* use de_emphasis by this instance */
emphasis_t estate;
/* cell config */
int ms_power; /* power level of MS, use 0..3 */
int auth; /* authentication support of the cell */
int warteschlange; /* use queue */
int metering; /* use metering pulses in seconds 0 = off */
/* all cnetz states */
enum cnetz_state state; /* main state of sender */
/* cell nr selection */
int cell_auto; /* if set, cell_nr is selected automatically */
int cell_nr; /* current cell number to use (sysinfo) */
/* scheduler */
int sched_ts; /* current time slot */
int sched_last_ts[2]; /* last timeslot we transmitted, so we can match MS timeslot */
int sched_r_m; /* Rufblock (0) / Meldeblock (1) */
int sched_switch_mode; /* counts slots until mode is switched */
enum dsp_mode sched_dsp_mode; /* what mode shall be switched to */
/* dsp states */
enum dsp_mode dsp_mode; /* current mode: audio, "Telegramm", .... */
iir_filter_t lp; /* low pass filter to eliminate noise above 5280 Hz */
fsk_fm_demod_t fsk_demod; /* demod process */
double fsk_deviation; /* deviation of FSK signal on sound card */
sample_t fsk_ramp_up[256]; /* samples of upward ramp shape */
sample_t fsk_ramp_down[256]; /* samples of downward ramp shape */
double fsk_bitduration; /* duration of a bit in samples */
sample_t *fsk_tx_buffer; /* tx buffer for one data block */
int fsk_tx_buffer_size; /* size of tx buffer (in samples) */
int fsk_tx_buffer_length; /* usage of buffer (in samples) */
int fsk_tx_buffer_pos; /* current position sending buffer */
double fsk_tx_bitstep; /* fraction of a bit each sample */
double fsk_tx_phase; /* current bit position */
uint64_t fsk_tx_scount; /* sample counter (used to sync multiple channels) */
int scrambler; /* 0 = normal speech, 1 = scrambled speech */
int scrambler_switch; /* counter to switch after 3 frames with new scrabler state */
sample_t *dsp_speech_buffer; /* samples in one chunk */
int dsp_speech_length; /* number of samples */
int dsp_speech_pos; /* current position in buffer */
/* sync multiple channels on one sound card */
uint64_t frame_last_scount; /* master's sample count of last frame sync */
double frame_last_phase; /* master's bit phase of last frame sync */
/* audio offset removal */
double offset_factor; /* filer alpha of high-pass filter */
double offset_y_last; /* last stored sample */
/* measurements */
int measure_speed; /* measure clock speed */
struct clock_speed clock_speed;
transaction_t *trans_list; /* list of transactions */
} cnetz_t;
double cnetz_kanal2freq(int kanal, int unterband);
void cnetz_channel_list(void);
int cnetz_channel_by_short_name(const char *short_name);
const char *chan_type_short_name(enum cnetz_chan_type chan_type);
const char *chan_type_long_name(enum cnetz_chan_type chan_type);
int cnetz_init(void);
int cnetz_create(int kanal, enum cnetz_chan_type chan_type, const char *audiodev, int use_sdr, enum demod_type demod, int samplerate, double rx_gain, int auth, int warteschlange, int metering, double dbm0_deviation, int ms_power, int measure_speed, double clock_speed[2], int polarity, int pre_emphasis, int de_emphasis, const char *write_rx_wave, const char *write_tx_wave, const char *read_rx_wave, const char *read_tx_wave, int loopback);
void cnetz_destroy(sender_t *sender);
void cnetz_go_idle(cnetz_t *cnetz);
void cnetz_sync_frame(cnetz_t *cnetz, double sync, int ts);
int cnetz_meldeaufruf(uint8_t futln_nat, uint8_t futln_fuvst, uint16_t futln_rest);
const struct telegramm *cnetz_transmit_telegramm_rufblock(cnetz_t *cnetz);
const struct telegramm *cnetz_transmit_telegramm_meldeblock(cnetz_t *cnetz);
void cnetz_receive_telegramm_ogk(cnetz_t *cnetz, struct telegramm *telegramm, int block);
const struct telegramm *cnetz_transmit_telegramm_spk_k(cnetz_t *cnetz);
void cnetz_receive_telegramm_spk_k(cnetz_t *cnetz, struct telegramm *telegramm);
const struct telegramm *cnetz_transmit_telegramm_spk_v(cnetz_t *cnetz);
void cnetz_receive_telegramm_spk_v(cnetz_t *cnetz, struct telegramm *telegramm);
void cnetz_display_status(void);