/* serial port access * * (C) 2001-2018 by Andreas Eversberg * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "serial.h" /* serial = serial_open("/dev/ttyS0",9600,8,n,1,'d','e',1,2); the return value will be a "serial handle" (!NOT THE FILE HANDLE) for all routines. on failure, a NULL will be returned. the parameters are as followed: char *device; tty name int baud; baud rate (bits/s) int databits; 5-7 char parity; n=no,e=even,o=odd int stopbits; 1-2 char xonxoff; e=disable,e=enable char rtscts; e=disable,e=enable float txtimeout; seconds timeout for transmit float rxtimeout; seconds timeout for receive to access the real tty handle use: serial->handle NOTE: the device is in non-blocking mode. */ serial_t *serial_open(const char *serial_device, int serial_baud, int serial_databits, char serial_parity, int serial_stopbits, char serial_xonxoff, char serial_rtscts, int serial_getbreak, float serial_txtimeout, float serial_rxtimeout) { int baud; int flags; int handshake_lines; serial_t *serial; if (serial_databits < 5 || serial_databits > 8) { serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Only 5 through 8 stopbits supported."; return NULL; } if (serial_stopbits < 1 || serial_stopbits > 2) { serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Only 1 through 2 stopbits supported."; return NULL; } if (serial_xonxoff !='e' && serial_xonxoff != 'd') { serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Enable or disable Xon/Xoff?"; return NULL; } if (serial_rtscts !='e' && serial_rtscts != 'd') { serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Enable or disable RTS/CTS?"; return NULL; } if (serial_parity != 'n' && serial_parity != 'e' && serial_parity != 'o') { serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Unsopported parity."; return NULL; } switch (serial_baud) { case 50: baud = B50; break; case 75: baud = B75; break; case 110: baud = B110; break; case 134: baud = B134; break; case 150: baud = B150; break; case 200: baud = B200; break; case 300: baud = B300; break; case 600: baud = B600; break; case 1200: baud = B1200; break; case 2400: baud = B2400; break; case 4800: baud = B4800; break; case 9600: baud = B9600; break; case 19200: baud = B19200; break; case 38400: baud = B38400; break; case 57600: baud = B57600; break; case 115200: baud = B115200; break; case 230400: baud = B230400; break; default: serial_errno = -EINVAL; serial_errnostr = "Baudrate not supported."; return NULL; } /* allocate handle */ if ((serial = calloc(1, sizeof(*serial)))) { /* set parameters */ serial->device = serial_device; serial->baud = serial_baud; serial->databits = serial_databits; serial->parity = serial_parity; serial->stopbits = serial_stopbits; serial->xonxoff = serial_xonxoff; serial->rtscts = serial_rtscts; serial->txtimeout = serial_txtimeout; serial->rxtimeout = serial_rxtimeout; if ((serial->handle = open(serial->device, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) >= 0) { if (isatty(serial->handle)) { /* get termios */ tcgetattr(serial->handle, &serial->old_termios); tcgetattr(serial->handle, &serial->com_termios); /* set flags */ serial->com_termios.c_iflag = ((serial->databits == 7) ? ISTRIP : 0) | ((serial->xonxoff == 'e') ? (IXON | IXOFF) : 0) ; if (serial_getbreak) serial->com_termios.c_iflag |= (PARMRK | INPCK); else serial->com_termios.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK | IGNPAR); serial->com_termios.c_oflag = 0; serial->com_termios.c_cflag = CREAD | HUPCL | ((serial->databits == 5) ? CS5 : 0) | ((serial->databits == 6) ? CS6 : 0) | ((serial->databits == 7) ? CS7 : 0) | ((serial->databits == 8) ? CS8 : 0) | ((serial->parity == 'e') ? PARENB : 0) | ((serial->parity == 'o') ? (PARENB | PARODD) : 0) | ((serial->stopbits == 2) ? CSTOPB : 0) | ((serial->rtscts =='e' ) ? CRTSCTS : 0) | ((serial->rtscts =='d' ) ? CLOCAL : 0) ; serial->com_termios.c_lflag = 0; serial->com_termios.c_cc[VSTART] = 0x11; serial->com_termios.c_cc[VSTOP] = 0x13; /* set baud */ serial->com_termios.c_cflag |= baud; cfsetispeed(&serial->com_termios, baud); cfsetospeed(&serial->com_termios, baud); serial->com_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; serial->com_termios.c_cc[VTIME] = (int)(serial->rxtimeout / 0.1 + 0.5); if (tcsetattr(serial->handle, TCSANOW, &serial->com_termios) >= 0) { handshake_lines = TIOCM_DTR; if (serial->rtscts == 'd') { handshake_lines |= TIOCM_RTS; } if (ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMBIS, &handshake_lines) >= 0) { if ((flags = fcntl(serial->handle, F_GETFL, 0)) >= 0) { flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(serial->handle, F_SETFL, flags) >= 0) { serial_errno = 0; serial_errnostr = "ok"; return serial; } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set fcntl."; } } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot read fnctl."; } } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set handshake lines."; } } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "TTY refuses settings."; } } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Device is not a tty!"; } tcsetattr(serial->handle, TCSANOW, &serial->old_termios); close(serial->handle); } else { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Error opening serial interface."; } free(serial); } else { serial_errno = -ENOMEM; serial_errnostr = "not enough memory for handle"; } return NULL; } /* serial_close(serial); closes the com port and frees all memory used by "serial" */ void serial_close(serial_t *serial) { serial_errno = 0; if (serial == 0) return; tcsetattr(serial->handle,TCSANOW,&serial->old_termios); close(serial->handle); free(serial); } /* read = serial_read(serial, &buffer, size); reads until buffer "size" has reached or until timeout has occurred. "read" gives the number of bytes read. */ int serial_read(serial_t *serial, uint8_t *buffer, int size) { int n; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; n = read(serial->handle, buffer, size); if (n < 0) { serial_errno = n; n = 0; } return n; } /* wrote = serial_write(serial, &buffer, size); writes until buffer "size" has reached or until timeout has occurred. "wrote" gives the number of bytes written. */ int serial_write(serial_t *serial, uint8_t *buffer, int size) { int n; fd_set Desc; struct timeval Timeout; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; Timeout.tv_usec = (int)(serial->txtimeout * 1000000) % 1000000; Timeout.tv_sec = serial->txtimeout; FD_ZERO (&Desc); FD_SET (serial->handle, &Desc); // Use select to check if write is possible if (select(serial->handle + 1, NULL, &Desc, NULL, &Timeout)) { // Descriptor is ready for writing n = write(serial->handle, buffer, size); if (n < 0) { serial_errno = n; n = 0; } return n; } else { // Timeout or signal. Return an timeout error code when a signal // occurs return 0; } } /* ok = serial_timeout(serial, transmit, receive); will set the transmit and receive timeout. note that the receive timeout will only use the nearest 1/10s. to disable timeout, use 0 for any value. */ int serial_timeout(serial_t *serial, double serial_txtimeout, double serial_rxtimeout) { serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; serial->rxtimeout = serial_rxtimeout; serial->txtimeout = serial_txtimeout; serial->com_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; serial->com_termios.c_cc[VTIME] = (int)(serial->rxtimeout / 0.1 + 0.5); if (tcsetattr(serial->handle, TCSANOW, &serial->com_termios) < 0) { serial_errno = - EIO; serial_errnostr = "TTY refuses settings."; return -1; } return 0; } /* serial_errno serial_errnostr the last call will give an errno while opening, which is described below: 0: ok also use serial_errnostr for description */ int serial_errno = 0; char *serial_errnostr = ""; int serial_cts(serial_t *serial) { int status = 0; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMGET, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot get ioctl."; return -1; } return (status & TIOCM_CTS) != 0; } int serial_dsr(serial_t *serial) { int status = 0; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMGET, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot get ioctl."; return -1; } return (status & TIOCM_DSR) != 0; } /* ok = serial_dtron(serial); ok = serial_rtson(serial); ok = serial_dtroff(serial); ok = serial_rtsoff(serial); turn on or off: rts, dtr */ int serial_dtron(serial_t *serial) { int status = TIOCM_DTR; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMBIS, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set ioctl."; return -1; } return 0; } int serial_dtroff(serial_t *serial) { int status = TIOCM_DTR; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMBIC, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set ioctl."; return -1; } return 0; } int serial_rtson(serial_t *serial) { int status = TIOCM_RTS; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMBIS, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set ioctl."; return -1; } return 0; } int serial_rtsoff(serial_t *serial) { int status = TIOCM_RTS; serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if(ioctl(serial->handle, TIOCMBIC, &status) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set ioctl."; return -1; } return 0; } int serial_break(serial_t *serial, int on) { serial_errno = 0; if (!serial) return 0; if (ioctl(serial->handle, on ? TIOCSBRK : TIOCCBRK, 0) < 0) { serial_errno = -EIO; serial_errnostr = "Cannot set ioctl."; return -1; } return 0; } /* handle = serial_handle(serial); get real file handle by giving the serial handle */ int serial_handle(serial_t *serial) { if (!serial) return 0; return serial->handle; }