/* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc. * Copyright 2011, 2012 Range Networks, Inc. * * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Configuration.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "Threads.h" // pat added using namespace std; // Reference to a global config table, used all over the system. extern ConfigurationTable gConfig; /**@ The global alarms table. */ //@{ Mutex alarmsLock; list alarmsList; void addAlarm(const string&); //@} // (pat) If Log messages are printed before the classes in this module are inited // (which happens when static classes have constructors that do work) // the OpenBTS just crashes. // Prevent that by setting sLoggerInited to true when this module is inited. static bool sLoggerInited = 0; static struct CheckLoggerInitStatus { CheckLoggerInitStatus() { sLoggerInited = 1; } } sCheckloggerInitStatus; /** Names of the logging levels. */ const char *levelNames[] = { "EMERG", "ALERT", "CRIT", "ERR", "WARNING", "NOTICE", "INFO", "DEBUG" }; int numLevels = 8; bool gLogToConsole = false; bool gLogToSyslog = true; FILE *gLogToFile = NULL; Mutex gLogToLock; int levelStringToInt(const string& name) { // Reverse search, since the numerically larger levels are more common. for (int i=numLevels-1; i>=0; i--) { if (name == levelNames[i]) return i; } // Common substitutions. if (name=="INFORMATION") return 6; if (name=="WARN") return 4; if (name=="ERROR") return 3; if (name=="CRITICAL") return 2; if (name=="EMERGENCY") return 0; // Unknown level. return -1; } /** Given a string, return the corresponding level name. */ int lookupLevel(const string& key) { string val = gConfig.getStr(key); int level = levelStringToInt(val); if (level == -1) { string defaultLevel = gConfig.mSchema["Log.Level"].getDefaultValue(); level = levelStringToInt(defaultLevel); _LOG(CRIT) << "undefined logging level (" << key << " = \"" << val << "\") defaulting to \"" << defaultLevel << ".\" Valid levels are: EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO or DEBUG"; gConfig.set(key, defaultLevel); } return level; } int getLoggingLevel(const char* filename) { // Default level? if (!filename) return lookupLevel("Log.Level"); // This can afford to be inefficient since it is not called that often. const string keyName = string("Log.Level.") + string(filename); if (gConfig.defines(keyName)) return lookupLevel(keyName); return lookupLevel("Log.Level"); } int gGetLoggingLevel(const char* filename) { // This is called a lot and needs to be efficient. static Mutex sLogCacheLock; static map sLogCache; static unsigned sCacheCount; static const unsigned sCacheRefreshCount = 1000; if (filename==NULL) return gGetLoggingLevel(""); HashString hs(filename); uint64_t key = hs.hash(); sLogCacheLock.lock(); // Time for a cache flush? if (sCacheCount>sCacheRefreshCount) { sLogCache.clear(); sCacheCount=0; } // Is it cached already? map::const_iterator where = sLogCache.find(key); sCacheCount++; if (where!=sLogCache.end()) { int retVal = where->second; sLogCacheLock.unlock(); return retVal; } // Look it up in the config table and cache it. // FIXME: Figure out why unlock and lock below fix the config table deadlock. // (pat) Probably because getLoggingLevel may call LOG recursively via lookupLevel(). sLogCacheLock.unlock(); int level = getLoggingLevel(filename); sLogCacheLock.lock(); sLogCache.insert(pair(key,level)); sLogCacheLock.unlock(); return level; } // copies the alarm list and returns it. list supposed to be small. list gGetLoggerAlarms() { alarmsLock.lock(); list ret; // excuse the "complexity", but to use std::copy with a list you need // an insert_iterator - copy technically overwrites, doesn't insert. insert_iterator< list > ii(ret, ret.begin()); copy(alarmsList.begin(), alarmsList.end(), ii); alarmsLock.unlock(); return ret; } /** Add an alarm to the alarm list. */ void addAlarm(const string& s) { alarmsLock.lock(); alarmsList.push_back(s); unsigned maxAlarms = gConfig.getNum("Log.Alarms.Max"); while (alarmsList.size() > maxAlarms) alarmsList.pop_front(); alarmsLock.unlock(); } Log::~Log() { if (mDummyInit) return; // Anything at or above LOG_CRIT is an "alarm". // Save alarms in the local list and echo them to stderr. if (mPriority <= LOG_CRIT) { if (sLoggerInited) addAlarm(mStream.str().c_str()); cerr << mStream.str() << endl; } // Current logging level was already checked by the macro. So just log. // Log to syslog if (gLogToSyslog) { syslog(mPriority, "%s", mStream.str().c_str()); } // Log to file and console if (gLogToConsole||gLogToFile) { int mlen = mStream.str().size(); int neednl = (mlen==0 || mStream.str()[mlen-1] != '\n'); gLogToLock.lock(); if (gLogToConsole) { // The COUT() macro prevents messages from stomping each other but adds uninteresting thread numbers, // so just use std::cout. std::cout << mStream.str(); if (neednl) std::cout<<"\n"; } if (gLogToFile) { fputs(mStream.str().c_str(),gLogToFile); if (neednl) {fputc('\n',gLogToFile);} fflush(gLogToFile); } gLogToLock.unlock(); } } Log::Log(const char* name, const char* level, int facility) { mDummyInit = true; gLogInit(name, level, facility); } ostringstream& Log::get() { assert(mPriority3) { // strlen because a garbage char is getting in sometimes. gLogToFile = fopen(fn,"w"); // New log file each time we start. if (gLogToFile) { time_t now; time(&now); fprintf(gLogToFile,"Starting at %s",ctime(&now)); fflush(gLogToFile); std::cout << "Logging to file: " << fn << "\n"; } } } // Open the log connection. openlog(name,0,facility); } void gLogEarly(int level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsyslog(level | LOG_USER, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // vim: ts=4 sw=4