== Configure Cell Locations To determine geographic location estimates based on the serving cell, OsmoSMLC needs preconfigured global positions by latitude and longitude, for each cell of each BSC. On the `cells` configuration node, cell locations can be indicated by LAC and CI, or by Cell Global Identity. The following example configures the position for a cell by LAC 23 and CI 42: ---- cells lac-ci 23 42 lat 12.3456 lon 23.4567 ---- The following example configures the position by a Cell Global Identity with PLMN 001-01, LAC 2 and CI 3: ---- cells cgi 001 01 2 3 lat 34.5678 lon 45.6789 ---- If a cell's latitude and longitude is not configured, all location requests for subscribers served by that cell are answered by a BSSMAP-LE Perform Location Response without a Location Estimate and LCS Cause "Facility not supported".