#!/usr/bin/env python # Make sure this code is in sync with the BTS directory. # Fixes may need to be applied to both. """Start the process and dump the documentation to the doc dir.""" from __future__ import print_function import subprocess import time import os import sys import osmopy.obscvty as obscvty import osmopy.osmoutil as osmoutil def dump_doc(name, port, filename): vty = obscvty.VTYInteract(name, "", port) xml = vty.command("show online-help") # Now write everything until the end to the file out = open(filename, 'w') out.write(xml) out.close() print('generated %r' % filename) """Dump the config of all the apps. Returns the number of apps configs could not be dumped for.""" def dump_configs(apps, configs, confpath): failures = 0 successes = 0 try: # make sure the doc directory exists os.mkdir('doc') except OSError: # it probably does pass for app in apps: appname = app[3] print("Starting app for %s" % appname) proc = None cmd = [app[1], "-c", os.path.join(confpath, configs[appname][0])] print('cd', os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir), ';', ' '.join(cmd)) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=None) except OSError as e: # Probably a missing binary print(e, file=sys.stderr) print("Skipping app %s" % appname, file=sys.stderr) failures += 1 else: try: dump_doc(app[2], app[0], 'doc/%s_vty_reference.xml' % appname) successes += 1 except IOError: # Generally a socket issue print("%s: couldn't connect, skipping" % appname, file=sys.stderr) failures += 1 finally: osmoutil.end_proc(proc) return (failures, successes) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse confpath = "." workdir = "." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-p", "--pythonconfpath", dest="p", help="searchpath for config (osmoappdesc)") parser.add_argument("-w", "--workdir", dest="w", help="Working directory to run in") args = parser.parse_args() if args.p: confpath = args.p if args.w: workdir = args.w osmoappdesc = osmoutil.importappconf_or_quit( confpath, "osmoappdesc", args.p) confpath = os.path.relpath(confpath, workdir) os.chdir(workdir) num_fails, num_sucs = dump_configs( osmoappdesc.apps, osmoappdesc.app_configs, confpath) if num_fails > 0: print("Warning: Skipped %s apps" % num_fails, file=sys.stderr) if 0 == num_sucs: print("Nothing run, wrong working dir? Set with -w", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(num_fails)