{ "comments": [ { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "fa0ca482_862d34de", "filename": "configure.ac", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 98, "author": { "id": 1000010 }, "writtenOn": "2022-10-18T09:44:49Z", "side": 1, "message": "v1.14.1 is behind your patch adding SMPP_PORT. I think you need to tag 1.14.2 and require it here.", "range": { "startLine": 98, "startChar": 46, "endLine": 98, "endChar": 52 }, "revId": "131d4188591c73e70a28321f8f9012ae3b4e3a51", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" }, { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "99595bfa_17411980", "filename": "configure.ac", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 98, "author": { "id": 1000159 }, "writtenOn": "2022-10-18T12:12:42Z", "side": 1, "message": "Do we have some kind of policy regarding release timeframe? I don\u0027t mind waiting for realease and bumping requirements later on as well as making new release.", "parentUuid": "fa0ca482_862d34de", "range": { "startLine": 98, "startChar": 46, "endLine": 98, "endChar": 52 }, "revId": "131d4188591c73e70a28321f8f9012ae3b4e3a51", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" }, { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "36cd85c8_056e69f9", "filename": "configure.ac", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 98, "author": { "id": 1000074 }, "writtenOn": "2022-10-18T12:16:16Z", "side": 1, "message": "You don\u0027t need to update this now.\nYou have to add a line to TODO-RELEASE file in the root directory, stating a dependency towards libsmpp34 \u003e 1.14.1 will be needed.\nI will then update this line here during release procedure.", "parentUuid": "99595bfa_17411980", "range": { "startLine": 98, "startChar": 46, "endLine": 98, "endChar": 52 }, "revId": "131d4188591c73e70a28321f8f9012ae3b4e3a51", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" }, { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "6deb38e3_74f910dd", "filename": "configure.ac", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 98, "author": { "id": 1000159 }, "writtenOn": "2022-10-19T10:16:03Z", "side": 1, "message": "Done", "parentUuid": "36cd85c8_056e69f9", "range": { "startLine": 98, "startChar": 46, "endLine": 98, "endChar": 52 }, "revId": "131d4188591c73e70a28321f8f9012ae3b4e3a51", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" } ] }