doc/sequence_charts/mncc_fsm.msc: add SIP messages, tweak

- add SIP messages, taken from OS#1683
- change some wording and clarify some message ordering
- have a separate sipcon1 and sipcon2 for the MO and MT sides

Change-Id: I6782e416dbd8ee88d093cbef722b0c5084f3865c
This commit is contained in:
Neels Hofmeyr 2019-08-05 23:02:21 +02:00
parent 14c34d8bec
commit 62c0a2a4ab
1 changed files with 57 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,84 +1,104 @@
msc { msc {
hscale=2; hscale=3;
msc1[label="osmo-msc"], mncc1[label="MNCC FSM"], pbx[label="MNCC server (osmo-sip-connector)"], mncc2[label="MNCC FSM"], msc2[label="osmo-msc"]; msc1[label="osmo-msc"], mncc1[label="MNCC FSM\n(osmo-msc mncc_fsm.c)"], sipcon1[label="osmo-sip-connector"], sip[label="PBX"], sipcon2[label="osmo-sip-connector"], mncc2[label="MNCC FSM\n(osmo-msc mncc_fsm.c)"], msc2[label="osmo-msc"];
mncc1 note mncc1 [label="The typical progression of an outgoing call, i.e. a call initiated by osmo-msc, as msc1 note sipcon1 [label="MO call"];
implemented in mncc_fsm.h, mncc_fsm.c"]; sipcon2 note msc2 [label="MT call"];
mncc2 note mncc2 [label="The typical progression of an incoming call, i.e. a call initiated by the PBX, as
implemented in mncc_fsm.h, mncc_fsm.c"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_NOT_STARTED"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_NOT_STARTED"];
msc1 rbox msc1 [label="mncc_outgoing_start()"]; msc1 rbox msc1 [label="mncc_outgoing_start()"];
msc1 -> mncc1 [label="MNCC_EV_OUTGOING_START"]; msc1 -> mncc1 [label="MNCC_EV_OUTGOING_START"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_OUTGOING_WAIT_PROCEEDING"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_OUTGOING_WAIT_PROCEEDING"];
mncc1 => pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_IND mncc1 => sipcon1 [label="MNCC_SETUP_IND
\n callref, IMSI, called and calling number"]; \n callref, IMSI, called and calling number, SDP"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE sipcon1 => sip [label="SIP INVITE
\n from, to, SDP"];
sipcon1 <= sip [label="SIP 100 Trying"];
mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_create()"]; mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_create()"];
mncc1 => pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE mncc1 => sipcon1 [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE
\n callref, RTP IP address and port"]; \n callref, RTP IP address and port"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_CALL_PROC_REQ mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_CALL_PROC_REQ
\n callref, RTP IP address and port"]; \n callref, RTP IP address and port"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_OUTGOING_WAIT_COMPLETE"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_OUTGOING_WAIT_COMPLETE"];
msc2 <= pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_REQ sip => sipcon2 [label="SIP INVITE
\n callref, called and calling number"]; \n from, to, SDP"];
sipcon2 => sip [label="SIP 100 Trying"];
msc2 <= sipcon2 [label="MNCC_SETUP_REQ
\n callref, called and calling number
\n SDP"];
mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_NOT_STARTED"]; mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_NOT_STARTED"];
msc2 rbox msc2 [label="mncc_incoming_start()"]; msc2 rbox msc2 [label="mncc_incoming_start()"];
msc2 -> mncc2 [label="MNCC_EV_INCOMING_START"]; msc2 -> mncc2 [label="MNCC_EV_INCOMING_START"];
mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_INCOMING_WAIT_COMPLETE"]; mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_INCOMING_WAIT_COMPLETE"];
mncc2 => pbx [label="MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND mncc2 => sipcon2 [label="MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND
\n callref, bearer capabilities, cccap and IMSI"]; \n callref, bearer capabilities, cccap and IMSI, SDP?"];
mncc2 <= pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE mncc2 <= sipcon2 [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
mncc2 rbox mncc2 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_create()"]; mncc2 rbox mncc2 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_create()"];
mncc2 => pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE mncc2 => sipcon2 [label="MNCC_RTP_CREATE
\n callref, RTP IP address and port"]; \n callref, RTP IP address and port, SDP?"];
mncc2 => pbx [label="MNCC_ALERT_IND mncc2 => sipcon2 [label="MNCC_ALERT_IND
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
sipcon2 => sip [label="SIP 180 Ringing
\n SDP"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_ALERT_REQ sipcon1 <= sip [label="SIP 180 Ringing
\n SDP"];
mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_ALERT_REQ
\n callref and progress"]; \n callref and progress"];
sipcon1 => sip [label="SIP PRACK 180 Ringing"];
sipcon1 <= sip [label="SIP PRACK 200"];
mncc2 => pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_CNF mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_RTP_CONNECT
\n callref, imsi and connected number"];
mncc2 <= pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CONNECT
\n callref, RTP IP and port"];
mncc2 rbox mncc2 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_connect()"];
mncc2 <= pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ
\n callref"];
mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_TALKING"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_RTP_CONNECT
\n callref, RTP IP and port"]; \n callref, RTP IP and port"];
mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_connect()"]; mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_connect()"];
msc1 <- mncc1 [label="rtp_stream_set_remote_addr()"]; msc1 <- mncc1 [label="rtp_stream_set_remote_addr()"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_RSP
mncc2 => sipcon2 [label="MNCC_SETUP_CNF
\n callref, imsi and connected number, SDP?"];
sipcon2 => sip [label="SIP 200 OK
\n SDP"];
mncc2 <= sipcon2 [label="MNCC_RTP_CONNECT
\n callref, RTP IP and port"];
mncc2 rbox mncc2 [label="mncc_rx_rtp_connect()"];
mncc2 <= sipcon2 [label="MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
mncc1 => pbx [label="MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="MNCC_ST_TALKING"];
sipcon1 <= sip [label="SIP 200 OK INVITE"];
mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_SETUP_RSP
\n callref"];
mncc1 => sipcon1 [label="MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_TALKING"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_TALKING"];
sipcon1 => sip [label="SIP ACK"];
...; ...;
... [label="Call goes on for a while..."]; ... [label="Call goes on for a while..."];
...; ...;
mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_release()"]; mncc1 rbox mncc1 [label="mncc_release()"];
mncc1 => pbx [label="MNCC_DISC_IND mncc1 => sipcon1 [label="MNCC_DISC_IND
\n callref and cause"]; \n callref and cause"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_WAIT_RELEASE_ACK"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="MNCC_ST_WAIT_RELEASE_ACK"];
mncc1 <= pbx [label="MNCC_REL_REQ sipcon1 => sip [label="SIP BYE"];
sipcon1 <= sip [label="SIP 200 OK"];
mncc1 <= sipcon1 [label="MNCC_REL_REQ
\n callref and cause"]; \n callref and cause"];
mncc2 <= pbx [label="MNCC_DISC_REQ sip => sipcon2 [label="SIP BYE"];
sip <= sipcon2 [label="SIP 200 OK"];
mncc2 <= sipcon2 [label="MNCC_DISC_REQ
\n callref and cause"]; \n callref and cause"];
mncc2 => pbx [label="MNCC_REL_IND mncc2 => sipcon2 [label="MNCC_REL_IND
\n callref and cause"]; \n callref and cause"];
mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="terminated"]; mncc2 abox mncc2 [label="terminated"];
mncc1 => pbx [label="MNCC_REL_CNF mncc1 => sipcon1 [label="MNCC_REL_CNF
\n callref"]; \n callref"];
mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="terminated"]; mncc1 abox mncc1 [label="terminated"];
} }