import from Eurecom OpenAirInterface

This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2015-08-30 22:38:40 +02:00
parent 1c2b568d79
commit 245daf9422
1 changed files with 515 additions and 0 deletions

asn1/utils/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
import re, os, sys, string
import datetime
import getopt
import getpass
version = "0.5"
lines = ""
iesDefs = {}
ieofielist = {}
outdir = './'
filenames = []
verbosity = 0
prefix = ""
FAIL = '\033[91m'
WARN = '\033[93m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
fileprefix = ""
def printFail(string):
sys.stderr.write(FAIL + string + ENDC + "\n")
def printWarning(string):
print WARN + string + ENDC
def printDebug(string):
if verbosity > 0:
print string
def outputHeaderToFile(f, filename):
now =
Eurecom OpenAirInterface
Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Eurecom
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
the file called "COPYING".
Contact Information
Openair Admin:
Openair Tech :
Forums :
Address : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot FRANCE
f.write(" * This file had been created by script v%s\n" % (version))
f.write(" * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.\n")
f.write(" * Created on: %s by %s\n * from %s\n" % (str(now), getpass.getuser(), filenames))
f.write(" ******************************************************************************/\n")
def lowerFirstCamelWord(word):
""" puts the first word in a CamelCase Word in lowercase.
I.e. CustomerID becomes customerID, XMLInfoTest becomes xmlInfoTest
newstr = ''
swapped = word.swapcase()
idx = 0
# if it's all-caps, return an all-lowered version
lowered = word.lower()
if swapped == lowered:
return lowered
for c in swapped:
if c in string.lowercase:
newstr += c
idx += 1
if idx < 2:
newstr += word[idx:]
newstr = newstr[:-1]+ word[idx-1:]
return newstr
def usage():
print "Python parser for asn1 v%s" % (version)
print "Usage: python [options]"
print "Available options:"
print "-d Enable script debug"
print "-f [file] Input file to parse"
print "-o [dir] Output files to given directory"
print "-h Print this help and return"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ho:", ["debug", "file", "help", "outdir"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print help information and exit:
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-f", "--file"):
if o in ("-d", "--debug"):
verbosity = 1
if o in ("-o", "--outdir"):
outdir = a
if outdir.rfind('/') != len(outdir):
outdir += '/'
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
for filename in filenames:
file = open(filename, 'r')
for line in file:
# Removing any comment
if line.find('--') >= 0:
line = line[:line.find('--')]
# Removing any carriage return
lines += re.sub('\r', '', line)
for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+SEQUENCE\s+\(\s*SIZE\s*\(\s*\d+\s*\.\.\s*[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\s*\)\s*\)\s*OF\s+[a-zA-Z-]+\s*\{\s*\{\s*([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+E-RAB-IE-ContainerList\s*\{\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
for i in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s+([A-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s*\{\s+([\,\|\{\}\t\n\.{3}\ \-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+}\n', lines, re.MULTILINE):
ies = []
maxLength = 0
# TODO: handle extensions
if i[1].find('EXTENSION') >= 0:
if fileprefix == "":
fileprefix = i[1][:i[1].find('-')].lower()
for j in re.findall(r'\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-\ \t]+)\s*\}\s*[\|,]*', i[2], re.MULTILINE):
for k in re.findall(r'ID\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*CRITICALITY\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s+[A-Z]+\s+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*PRESENCE\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)', j, re.MULTILINE):
printDebug("Got new ie for message " + i[0] + ": " + str(k))
if len(k[2]) > maxLength:
maxLength = len(k[2])
if len(ies) > 0:
iesDefs[i[0]] = { "length": maxLength, "ies": ies}
printWarning("Didn't find any information element for message: " + i[0])
if len(iesDefs) == 0:
printFail("No Information Element parsed, exiting")
f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_ies_defs.h', 'w')
outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
f.write("#ifndef %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n#define %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), fileprefix.upper()))
for key in iesDefs:
if key not in ieofielist.values():
for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
if j == key:
f.write("typedef struct %sIEs_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
f.write(" A_SEQUENCE_OF(struct %s_s) %s;\n" % (re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])))))
f.write("} %sIEs_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
for key in iesDefs:
keyupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.upper())
keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
shift = 0
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
# Presence mask
for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2].upper())
if ie[3] == "optional" or ie[3] == "conditional":
f.write("#define {0:<{pad}} {1}\n".format("%s_%s_PRESENT" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore), "(1 << %d)" % shift,
pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + len(keyupperunderscore) + 9))
shift += 1
if (shift > 0):
f.write("typedef struct %s_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
if (shift > 0):
f.write(" {0:<{pad}} {1};\n".format("uint16_t", "presenceMask", pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
ieunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
if ie[2] in ieofielist:
f.write(" %sIEs_t %s;" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), ienameunderscore))
f.write(" {0:<{pad}} {1};".format("%s_t" % ieunderscore, ienameunderscore, pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
if ie[3] == "optional":
f.write(" ///< Optional field")
elif ie[3] == "conditional":
f.write(" ///< Conditional field")
f.write("} %s_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
f.write("typedef struct %s_message_s {\n" % (fileprefix))
f.write(" uint8_t procedureCode;\n")
f.write(" uint8_t criticality;\n")
f.write(" uint8_t direction;\n")
f.write(" union {\n")
messageList = iesDefs.keys()
for message in messageList:
if message in ieofielist.values():
if len(iesDefs[message]["ies"]) == 0:
f.write(" %s_t %s;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', message), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', message))))
f.write(" } msg;\n")
f.write("} %s_message;\n\n" % (fileprefix))
for key in iesDefs:
if key in ieofielist.values():
structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" * \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
f.write(" **/\n")
f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, keylowerunderscore))
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" ANY_t *any_p);\n\n")
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" **/\n")
f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
f.write(" %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
for key in iesDefs:
if key not in ieofielist.values():
asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" **/\n")
f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
f.write(" * \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
f.write(" * \\param callback Callback function called when any_p is successfully decoded.\n")
f.write(" **/\n")
f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
f.write(" %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
f.write("#endif /* %s_IES_DEFS_H_ */\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper()))
#Generate Decode functions
f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_decoder.c', 'w')
outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix, fileprefix))
for key in iesDefs:
if key in ieofielist.values():
structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
ielistname = re.sub('UE', 'ue', asn1cStruct)
ielistnamefirstlower = ielistname[:1].lower() + ielistname[1:]
asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
iesaccess = ""
if key not in ieofielist.values():
iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstlower)
f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" ANY_t *any_p) {\n\n")
f.write(" %s_t %s;\n %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStructfirstlower))
f.write(" int i, decoded = 0;\n")
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
f.write(" int tempDecoded = 0;\n")
f.write(" assert(any_p != NULL);\n")
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
f.write(" assert(%s != NULL);\n\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding message %s (%%s:%%d)\\n\", __FILE__, __LINE__);\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', keyName)))
f.write(" ANY_to_type_aper(any_p, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower))
f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %s_p->%slist.count; i++) {\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
f.write(" IE_t *ie_p;\n")
f.write(" ie_p = %s_p->%slist.array[i];\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
f.write(" switch(ie_p->id) {\n")
for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
ienameunderscorefirstlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(ienameunderscore)
ietypesubst = re.sub('-', '', ie[2])
ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
if ie[3] == "optional":
f.write(" /* Optional field */\n")
elif ie[3] == "conditional":
f.write(" /* Conditional field */\n")
f.write(" case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
f.write(" {\n")
f.write(" %s_t %s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
f.write(" %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
if ie[3] != "mandatory":
f.write(" %s->presenceMask |= %s_%s_PRESENT;\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
f.write(" tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
f.write(" if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
f.write(" if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
f.write(" xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
f.write(" if (%s_decode_%s(&%s->%s, %s_p) < 0)\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of encapsulated IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
f.write(" memcpy(&%s->%s, %s_p, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), ietypeunderscore))
f.write(" } break;\n")
f.write(" default:\n")
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" return decoded;\n")
for key in iesDefs:
if key not in ieofielist.values():
keyname = re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('Item', 'List', key))
f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', keyname).lower()))
f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
f.write(" %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
f.write(" int i, decoded = 0;\n")
f.write(" int tempDecoded = 0;\n\n")
f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %s->list.count; i++) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
f.write(" IE_t *ie_p = %s->list.array[i];\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
f.write(" switch (ie_p->id) {\n")
for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
f.write(" case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
f.write(" {\n")
f.write(" %s_t *%s_p;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
f.write(" tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
f.write(" if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s for message %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore, re.sub('-', '_', keyname)))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
f.write(" if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
f.write(" xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%sIEs->%s, %s_p);\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname)),
re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
f.write(" } break;\n")
f.write(" default:\n")
f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" return decoded;\n")
#Generate IES Encode functions
f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_encoder.c', 'w')
f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n" % (fileprefix))
f.write("#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
for key in iesDefs:
if key in ieofielist.values():
structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
iesaccess = ""
if key not in ieofielist.values():
iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstwordlower)
keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
# No IE to encode...
if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
f.write(" %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
f.write(" IE_t *ie;\n\n")
for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
iename = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('id-', '', ie[0]))
ienameunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', iename)
ienamefirstwordlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(iename)
ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
if ie[3] != "mandatory":
if ie[3] == "optional":
f.write(" /* Optional field */\n")
elif ie[3] == "conditional":
f.write(" /* Conditional field */\n")
f.write(" if ((%s->presenceMask & %s_%s_PRESENT)\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
f.write(" == %s_%s_PRESENT) {\n" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
f.write(" &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
f.write(" }\n\n")
if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
f.write(" %s_t %s;\n\n" % (ietypeunderscore, ienamefirstwordlower))
f.write(" memset(&%s, 0, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower, ietypeunderscore))
f.write(" if (%s_encode_%s(&%s, &%s->%s) < 0) return -1;\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), ienamefirstwordlower, lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
f.write(" &%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower))
f.write(" &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
f.write(" return 0;\n")
for (key, value) in iesDefs.items():
if key not in ieofielist.values():
ie = value["ies"][0]
ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
if j == key:
f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', i).lower()))
f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', i))))
f.write(" int i;\n")
f.write(" IE_t *ie;\n\n")
f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %sIEs->%s.count; i++) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
f.write(" %sIEs->%s.array[i])) == NULL) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
f.write(" return -1;\n")
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->list, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower))
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" return 0;\n")