# osmo_gsm_tester: specifics for running an SRS eNodeB process # # Copyright (C) 2020 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Pau Espin Pedrol # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import pprint from ..core import log, util, config, template, process, remote from . import enb def rf_type_valid(rf_type_str): return rf_type_str in ('uhd', 'zmq') #reference: srsLTE.git srslte_symbol_sz() def num_prb2symbol_sz(num_prb): if num_prb <= 6: return 128 if num_prb <= 15: return 256 if num_prb <= 25: return 384 if num_prb <= 50: return 768 if num_prb <= 75: return 1024 if num_prb <= 110: return 1536 raise log.Error('invalid num_prb %r', num_prb) def num_prb2base_srate(num_prb): return num_prb2symbol_sz(num_prb) * 15 * 1000 class AmarisoftENB(enb.eNodeB): REMOTE_DIR = '/osmo-gsm-tester-amarisoftenb' BINFILE = 'lteenb' CFGFILE = 'enb_amarisoft.cfg' CFGFILE_SIB1 = 'amarisoft_sib1.asn' CFGFILE_SIB23 = 'amarisoft_sib23.asn' CFGFILE_RF = 'amarisoft_rf_driver.cfg' CFGFILE_DRB = 'amarisoft_drb.cfg' LOGFILE = 'lteenb.log' def __init__(self, suite_run, conf): super().__init__(suite_run, conf, 'amarisoftenb') self.ue = None self.run_dir = None self.inst = None self._bin_prefix = None self.config_file = None self.config_sib1_file = None self.config_sib23_file = None self.config_rf_file = None self.config_drb_file = None self.log_file = None self.process = None self.rem_host = None self.remote_inst = None self.remote_config_file = None self.remote_config_sib1_file = None self.remote_config_sib23_file = None self.remote_config_rf_file = None self.remote_config_drb_file = None self.remote_log_file = None self.enable_measurements = False self.suite_run = suite_run self.remote_user = conf.get('remote_user', None) if not rf_type_valid(conf.get('rf_dev_type', None)): raise log.Error('Invalid rf_dev_type=%s' % conf.get('rf_dev_type', None)) def bin_prefix(self): if self._bin_prefix is None: self._bin_prefix = os.getenv('AMARISOFT_PATH_ENB', None) if self._bin_prefix == None: self._bin_prefix = self.suite_run.trial.get_inst('amarisoftenb') return self._bin_prefix def cleanup(self): if self.process is None: return if self.setup_runs_locally(): return # copy back files (may not exist, for instance if there was an early error of process): try: self.rem_host.scpfrom('scp-back-log', self.remote_log_file, self.log_file) except Exception as e: self.log(repr(e)) def setup_runs_locally(self): return self.remote_user is None def start(self, epc): self.log('Starting AmarisoftENB') self._epc = epc self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.suite_run.get_test_run_dir().new_dir(self.name())) self.configure() self._start() # send t+Enter to enable console trace self.dbg('Enabling console trace') self.process.stdin_write('t\n') def _start(self): if self.setup_runs_locally(): env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(self.inst) } binary = self.inst.child('.', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE) self.dbg(run_dir=self.run_dir, binary=binary, env=env) args = (binary, os.path.abspath(self.config_file)) self.process = process.Process(self.name(), self.run_dir, args, env=env) else: remote_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': self.remote_inst } remote_binary = self.remote_inst.child('', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE) args = (remote_binary, self.remote_config_file) self.process = self.rem_host.RemoteProcess(AmarisoftENB.BINFILE, args, remote_env=remote_env) self.suite_run.remember_to_stop(self.process) self.process.launch() def gen_conf_file(self, path, filename, values): self.dbg('AmarisoftENB ' + filename + ':\n' + pprint.pformat(values)) with open(path, 'w') as f: r = template.render(filename, values) self.dbg(r) f.write(r) def configure(self): self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.bin_prefix())) if not self.inst.isfile('', AmarisoftENB.BINFILE): raise log.Error('No %s binary in' % AmarisoftENB.BINFILE, self.inst) self.config_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE) self.config_sib1_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1) self.config_sib23_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23) self.config_rf_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF) self.config_drb_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB) self.log_file = self.run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.LOGFILE) if not self.setup_runs_locally(): self.rem_host = remote.RemoteHost(self.run_dir, self.remote_user, self._addr) remote_prefix_dir = util.Dir(AmarisoftENB.REMOTE_DIR) self.remote_inst = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(os.path.basename(str(self.inst)))) remote_run_dir = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.BINFILE)) self.remote_config_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE) self.remote_config_sib1_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1) self.remote_config_sib23_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23) self.remote_config_rf_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF) self.remote_config_drb_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB) self.remote_log_file = remote_run_dir.child(AmarisoftENB.LOGFILE) values = super().configure(['amarisoft', 'amarisoftenb']) self._num_cells = int(values['enb'].get('num_cells', None)) assert self._num_cells # Convert parsed boolean string to Python boolean: self.enable_measurements = util.str2bool(values['enb'].get('enable_measurements', 'false')) config.overlay(values, dict(enb={'enable_measurements': self.enable_measurements})) # We need to set some specific variables programatically here to match IP addresses: if self._conf.get('rf_dev_type') == 'zmq': base_srate = num_prb2base_srate(self.num_prb()) rf_dev_args = 'fail_on_disconnect=true' \ + ',tx_port0=tcp://' + self.addr() + ':2000' \ + ',tx_port1=tcp://' + self.addr() + ':2002' \ + ',rx_port0=tcp://' + self.ue.addr() + ':2001' \ + ',rx_port1=tcp://' + self.ue.addr() + ':2003' \ + ',id=enb,base_srate=' + str(base_srate) config.overlay(values, dict(enb=dict(sample_rate = base_srate / (1000*1000), rf_dev_args=rf_dev_args))) # Set UHD frame size as a function of the cell bandwidth on B2XX if self._conf.get('rf_dev_type') == 'uhd' and values['enb'].get('rf_dev_args', None) is not None: if 'b200' in values['enb'].get('rf_dev_args'): rf_dev_args = values['enb'].get('rf_dev_args', '') rf_dev_args += ',' if rf_dev_args != '' and not rf_dev_args.endswith(',') else '' if self._num_prb < 25: rf_dev_args += 'send_frame_size=512,recv_frame_size=512' elif self._num_prb == 25: rf_dev_args += 'send_frame_size=1024,recv_frame_size=1024' elif self._num_prb > 25: rf_dev_args += 'num_recv_frames=64,num_send_frames=64' if self._num_prb > 50: # Reduce over the wire format to sc12 rf_dev_args += ',otw_format=sc12' config.overlay(values, dict(enb=dict(rf_dev_args=rf_dev_args))) logfile = self.log_file if self.setup_runs_locally() else self.remote_log_file config.overlay(values, dict(enb=dict(log_filename=logfile))) # rf driver is shared between amarisoft enb and ue, so it has a # different cfg namespace 'trx'. Copy needed values over there: config.overlay(values, dict(trx=dict(rf_dev_type=values['enb'].get('rf_dev_type', None), rf_dev_args=values['enb'].get('rf_dev_args', None)))) self.gen_conf_file(self.config_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE, values) self.gen_conf_file(self.config_sib1_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB1, values) self.gen_conf_file(self.config_sib23_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_SIB23, values) self.gen_conf_file(self.config_rf_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_RF, values) self.gen_conf_file(self.config_drb_file, AmarisoftENB.CFGFILE_DRB, values) if not self.setup_runs_locally(): self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(self.remote_inst) self.rem_host.scp('scp-inst-to-remote', str(self.inst), remote_prefix_dir) self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(remote_run_dir) self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-to-remote', self.config_file, self.remote_config_file) self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-sib1-to-remote', self.config_sib1_file, self.remote_config_sib1_file) self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-sib23-to-remote', self.config_sib23_file, self.remote_config_sib23_file) self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-rr-to-remote', self.config_rf_file, self.remote_config_rf_file) self.rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-drb-to-remote', self.config_drb_file, self.remote_config_drb_file) def ue_add(self, ue): if self.ue is not None: raise log.Error("More than one UE per ENB not yet supported (ZeroMQ)") self.ue = ue def running(self): return not self.process.terminated() # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4