# osmo_gsm_tester: specifics for running an osmo-bts-trx # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Neels Hofmeyr # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import pprint from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from ..core import log, config, util, template, process, remote from ..core import schema from ..core.event_loop import MainLoop from . import powersupply, bts_osmo def on_register_schemas(): resource_schema = { 'osmo_trx.launch_trx': schema.BOOL_STR, 'osmo_trx.type': schema.STR, 'osmo_trx.clock_reference': schema.OSMO_TRX_CLOCK_REF, 'osmo_trx.trx_ip': schema.IPV4, 'osmo_trx.remote_user': schema.STR, 'osmo_trx.dev_args': schema.STR, 'osmo_trx.multi_arfcn': schema.BOOL_STR, 'osmo_trx.max_trxd_version': schema.UINT, 'osmo_trx.channels[].rx_path': schema.STR, 'osmo_trx.channels[].tx_path': schema.STR, } schema.register_resource_schema('bts', resource_schema) class OsmoBtsTrx(bts_osmo.OsmoBtsMainUnit): ############## # PROTECTED ############## BIN_BTS_TRX = 'osmo-bts-trx' BIN_PCU = 'osmo-pcu' CONF_BTS_TRX = 'osmo-bts-trx.cfg' def __init__(self, testenv, conf): super().__init__(testenv, conf, OsmoBtsTrx.BIN_BTS_TRX, 'osmo_bts_trx') self.run_dir = None self.inst = None self.trx = None self.pwsup_list = [] self.env = {} self.gen_conf = {} def trx_remote_ip(self): conf_ip = self.conf.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('trx_ip', None) if conf_ip is not None: return conf_ip # if 'trx_remote_ip' is not configured, use same IP as BTS return self.remote_addr() def launch_process(self, keepalive, binary_name, *args): binary = os.path.abspath(self.inst.child('bin', binary_name)) run_dir = self.run_dir.new_dir(binary_name) if not os.path.isfile(binary): raise RuntimeError('Binary missing: %r' % binary) proc = process.Process(binary_name, run_dir, (binary,) + args, env=self.env) self.testenv.remember_to_stop(proc, keepalive) proc.launch() return proc def configure(self): if self.bsc is None: raise RuntimeError('BTS needs to be added to a BSC or NITB before it can be configured') self.config_file = self.run_dir.new_file(OsmoBtsTrx.CONF_BTS_TRX) self.dbg(config_file=self.config_file) values = dict(osmo_bts_trx=config.get_defaults('osmo_bts_trx')) config.overlay(values, dict(osmo_bts_trx=dict(osmo_trx=config.get_defaults('osmo_trx')))) config.overlay(values, self.testenv.suite().config()) config.overlay(values, { 'osmo_bts_trx': { 'oml_remote_ip': self.bsc.addr(), 'pcu_socket_path': self.pcu_socket_path(), 'osmo_trx': { 'bts_ip': self.remote_addr(), 'trx_ip': self.trx_remote_ip(), 'egprs': 'enable' if self.egprs_enabled() else 'disable', 'channels': [{} for trx_i in range(self.num_trx())] } } }) config.overlay(values, { 'osmo_bts_trx': self.conf }) self.gen_conf = values self.dbg('OSMO-BTS-TRX CONFIG:\n' + pprint.pformat(values)) with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: r = template.render(OsmoBtsTrx.CONF_BTS_TRX, values) self.dbg(r) f.write(r) self.pwsup_list = [None] * self.num_trx() # Construct trx_list appending with empty dicts if needed: conf_trx_list = self.conf.get('trx_list', []) conf_trx_list = conf_trx_list + [{}] * (self.num_trx() - len(conf_trx_list)) for trx_i in range(self.num_trx()): pwsup_opt = conf_trx_list[trx_i].get('power_supply', {}) if not pwsup_opt: self.dbg('no power_supply configured for TRX %d' % trx_i) continue pwsup_type = pwsup_opt.get('type') if not pwsup_type: raise log.Error('No type attribute provided in power_supply conf for TRX %d!' % trx_i) self.pwsup_list[trx_i] = powersupply.get_instance_by_type(pwsup_type, pwsup_opt) def launch_trx_enabled(self): return util.str2bool(self.gen_conf['osmo_bts_trx'].get('osmo_trx', {}).get('launch_trx')) def get_osmo_trx_type(self): return self.gen_conf['osmo_bts_trx'].get('osmo_trx', {}).get('type') ######################## # PUBLIC - INTERNAL API ######################## def conf_for_bsc(self): values = self.conf_for_bsc_prepare() self.dbg(conf=values) return values def conf_for_osmotrx(self): return dict(osmo_trx=self.gen_conf['osmo_bts_trx'].get('osmo_trx', {})) def cleanup(self): i = 0 for pwsup in self.pwsup_list: if pwsup: self.dbg('Powering off TRX %d' % i) pwsup.power_set(False) i = i + 1 self.pwsup_list = [] ################### # PUBLIC (test API included) ################### def start(self, keepalive=False): if self.bsc is None: raise RuntimeError('BTS needs to be added to a BSC or NITB before it can be started') self.testenv.poll() self.log('Starting to connect to', self.bsc) self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.testenv.suite().get_run_dir().new_dir(self.name())) self.configure() # Power cycle all TRX if needed (right now only TRX0 for SC5): i = 0 for pwsup in self.pwsup_list: if pwsup: self.dbg('Powering cycling TRX %d' % i) pwsup.power_cycle(1.0) i = i + 1 if self.launch_trx_enabled(): self.trx = OsmoTrx.get_instance_by_type(self.get_osmo_trx_type(), self.testenv, self.conf_for_osmotrx()) self.trx.start(keepalive) self.log('Waiting for %s to start up...' % self.trx.name()) MainLoop.wait(self, self.trx.trx_ready) self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.testenv.suite().trial().get_inst('osmo-bts'))) lib = self.inst.child('lib') if not os.path.isdir(lib): raise RuntimeError('No lib/ in %r' % self.inst) self.env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(lib) } self.proc_bts = self.launch_process(keepalive, OsmoBtsTrx.BIN_BTS_TRX, '-r', '1', '-c', os.path.abspath(self.config_file), '-i', self.bsc.addr()) self.testenv.poll() ################################################################################ # TRX ################################################################################ class Trx(log.Origin, metaclass=ABCMeta): ############## # PROTECTED ############## def __init__(self, testenv, conf, name): super().__init__(log.C_RUN, name) self.testenv = testenv self.conf = conf self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.testenv.suite().get_run_dir().new_dir(self.name())) self.listen_ip = conf.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('trx_ip') self.remote_user = conf.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('remote_user', None) @classmethod def get_instance_by_type(cls, type, testenv, conf): KNOWN_OSMOTRX_TYPES = { 'uhd': OsmoTrxUHD, 'lms': OsmoTrxLMS, 'sc5': TrxSC5 } osmo_trx_class = KNOWN_OSMOTRX_TYPES.get(type) return osmo_trx_class(testenv, conf) ############## # PUBLIC (test API included) ############## @abstractmethod def start(self, keepalive=False): pass @abstractmethod def trx_ready(self): pass class OsmoTrx(Trx, metaclass=ABCMeta): CONF_OSMO_TRX = 'osmo-trx.cfg' REMOTE_DIR = '/osmo-gsm-tester-trx/last_run' WRAPPER_SCRIPT = 'ssh_sigkiller.sh' ############## # PROTECTED ############## def __init__(self, testenv, conf): super().__init__(testenv, conf, self.binary_name()) self.env = {} self.log("OSMOTRX CONF: %r" % conf) self.bts_ip = conf.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('bts_ip') self.inst = None self.proc_trx = None @abstractmethod def binary_name(self): 'Used by base class. Subclass can create different OsmoTRX implementations.' pass def configure(self): self.config_file = self.run_dir.new_file(OsmoTrx.CONF_OSMO_TRX) self.dbg(config_file=self.config_file) values = self.conf # we don't need to enable multi-arfcn for single channel if len(values.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('channels', [])) > 1: multi_arfcn_bool = util.str2bool(values.get('osmo_trx', {}).get('multi_arfcn', False)) else: multi_arfcn_bool = False config.overlay(values, { 'osmo_trx': { 'multi_arfcn': multi_arfcn_bool } }) self.dbg('OSMO-TRX CONFIG:\n' + pprint.pformat(values)) with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: r = template.render(OsmoTrx.CONF_OSMO_TRX, values) self.dbg(r) f.write(r) def launch_process_local(self, keepalive, binary_name, *args): binary = os.path.abspath(self.inst.child('bin', binary_name)) run_dir = self.run_dir.new_dir(binary_name) if not os.path.isfile(binary): raise RuntimeError('Binary missing: %r' % binary) proc = process.Process(binary_name, run_dir, (binary,) + args, env=self.env) self.testenv.remember_to_stop(proc, keepalive) proc.launch() return proc def start_remotely(self, keepalive): # Run remotely through ssh. We need to run osmo-trx under a wrapper # script since osmo-trx ignores SIGHUP and will keep running after # we close local ssh session. The wrapper script catches SIGHUP and # sends SIGINT to it. rem_host = remote.RemoteHost(self.run_dir, self.remote_user, self.listen_ip) remote_prefix_dir = util.Dir(OsmoTrx.REMOTE_DIR) remote_run_dir = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(self.binary_name())) remote_config_file = remote_run_dir.child(OsmoTrx.CONF_OSMO_TRX) have_inst = rem_host.inst_compatible_for_remote() if have_inst: self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.testenv.suite().trial().get_inst('osmo-trx'))) rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(remote_prefix_dir) if have_inst: self.remote_inst = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child(os.path.basename(str(self.inst)))) rem_host.create_remote_dir(self.remote_inst) rem_host.scp('scp-inst-to-remote', str(self.inst), remote_prefix_dir) rem_host.create_remote_dir(remote_run_dir) rem_host.scp('scp-cfg-to-remote', self.config_file, remote_config_file) if have_inst: remote_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': self.remote_inst.child('lib') } remote_binary = self.remote_inst.child('bin', self.binary_name()) args = (remote_binary, '-C', remote_config_file) else: # Use whatever is available i nremote system PATH: remote_env = {} remote_binary = self.binary_name() args = (remote_binary, '-C', remote_config_file) self.proc_trx = rem_host.RemoteProcessFixIgnoreSIGHUP(self.binary_name(), remote_run_dir, args, remote_env=remote_env) self.testenv.remember_to_stop(self.proc_trx, keepalive) self.proc_trx.launch() ############## # PUBLIC (test API included) ############## def start(self, keepalive=False): self.configure() if self.remote_user: self.start_remotely(keepalive) return # Run locally if ssh user is not set self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.testenv.suite().trial().get_inst('osmo-trx'))) lib = self.inst.child('lib') self.env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(lib) } self.proc_trx = self.launch_process_local(keepalive, self.binary_name(), '-C', os.path.abspath(self.config_file)) def trx_ready(self): if not self.proc_trx or not self.proc_trx.is_running: return False return '-- Transceiver active with' in (self.proc_trx.get_stdout() or '') class OsmoTrxUHD(OsmoTrx): BIN_TRX = 'osmo-trx-uhd' def __init__(self, testenv, conf): super().__init__(testenv, conf) def binary_name(self): return OsmoTrxUHD.BIN_TRX class OsmoTrxLMS(OsmoTrx): BIN_TRX = 'osmo-trx-lms' def __init__(self, testenv, conf): super().__init__(testenv, conf) def binary_name(self): return OsmoTrxLMS.BIN_TRX class TrxSC5(Trx): def __init__(self, testenv, conf): super().__init__(testenv, conf, "sc5-trx") self.ready = False def start(self, keepalive=False): name = "ssh_sc5_ccli" run_dir = self.run_dir.new_dir(name) popen_args = ('/cx/bin/ccli', '-c', 'gsm.unlock') proc = process.RemoteProcess(name, run_dir, self.remote_user, self.listen_ip, None, popen_args) keep_trying = 10 while keep_trying > 0: if proc.respawn_sync(raise_nonsuccess=False) == 0 and 'OK' in (proc.get_stdout() or ''): break keep_trying = keep_trying - 1 self.log('Configuring SC5 TRX failed, retrying %d more times' % keep_trying) MainLoop.sleep(self, 5) if keep_trying == 0: raise log.Error('Failed configuring SC5!') self.ready = True def trx_ready(self): return self.ready # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4