# osmo_gsm_tester: validate dict structures # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Neels Hofmeyr # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import re from . import log from .util import is_dict, is_list, str2bool KEY_RE = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') IPV4_RE = re.compile('([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}') HWADDR_RE = re.compile('([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}') IMSI_RE = re.compile('[0-9]{6,15}') KI_RE = re.compile('[0-9a-fA-F]{32}') MSISDN_RE = re.compile('[0-9]{1,15}') def match_re(name, regex, val): while True: if not isinstance(val, str): break; if not regex.fullmatch(val): break; return raise ValueError('Invalid %s: %r' % (name, val)) def band(val): if val in ('GSM-1800', 'GSM-1900'): return raise ValueError('Unknown GSM band: %r' % val) def ipv4(val): match_re('IPv4 address', IPV4_RE, val) els = [int(el) for el in val.split('.')] if not all([el >= 0 and el <= 255 for el in els]): raise ValueError('Invalid IPv4 address: %r' % val) def hwaddr(val): match_re('hardware address', HWADDR_RE, val) def imsi(val): match_re('IMSI', IMSI_RE, val) def ki(val): match_re('KI', KI_RE, val) def msisdn(val): match_re('MSISDN', MSISDN_RE, val) def auth_algo(val): if val in ('none', 'xor', 'comp128v1'): return raise ValueError('Unknown Authentication Algorithm: %r' % val) def uint(val): n = int(val) if n < 0: raise ValueError('Positive value expected instead of %d' % n) def uint8(val): n = int(val) if n < 0: raise ValueError('Positive value expected instead of %d' % n) if n > 255: # 2^8 - 1 raise ValueError('Value %d too big, max value is 255' % n) def uint16(val): n = int(val) if n < 0: raise ValueError('Positive value expected instead of %d' % n) if n > 65535: # 2^16 - 1 raise ValueError('Value %d too big, max value is 65535' % n) def times(val): n = int(val) if n < 1: raise ValueError('Positive value >0 expected instead of %d' % n) def cipher(val): if val in ('a5_0', 'a5_1', 'a5_2', 'a5_3', 'a5_4', 'a5_5', 'a5_6', 'a5_7'): return raise ValueError('Unknown Cipher value: %r' % val) def modem_feature(val): if val in ('sms', 'gprs', 'voice', 'ussd'): return raise ValueError('Unknown Modem Feature: %r' % val) INT = 'int' STR = 'str' UINT = 'uint' BOOL_STR = 'bool_str' BAND = 'band' IPV4 = 'ipv4' HWADDR = 'hwaddr' IMSI = 'imsi' KI = 'ki' MSISDN = 'msisdn' AUTH_ALGO = 'auth_algo' TIMES='times' CIPHER = 'cipher' MODEM_FEATURE = 'modem_feature' SCHEMA_TYPES = { INT: int, STR: str, UINT: uint, BOOL_STR: str2bool, BAND: band, IPV4: ipv4, HWADDR: hwaddr, IMSI: imsi, KI: ki, MSISDN: msisdn, AUTH_ALGO: auth_algo, TIMES: times, CIPHER: cipher, MODEM_FEATURE: modem_feature, } def validate(config, schema): '''Make sure the given config dict adheres to the schema. The schema is a dict of 'dict paths' in dot-notation with permitted value type. All leaf nodes are validated, nesting dicts are implicit. validate( { 'a': 123, 'b': { 'b1': 'foo', 'b2': [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }, { 'a': int, 'b.b1': str, 'b.b2[]': int } ) Raise a ValueError in case the schema is violated. ''' def validate_item(path, value, schema): want_type = schema.get(path) if is_list(value): if want_type: raise ValueError('config item is a list, should be %r: %r' % (want_type, path)) path = path + '[]' want_type = schema.get(path) if not want_type: if is_dict(value): nest(path, value, schema) return if is_list(value) and value: for list_v in value: validate_item(path, list_v, schema) return raise ValueError('config item not known: %r' % path) if want_type not in SCHEMA_TYPES: raise ValueError('unknown type %r at %r' % (want_type, path)) if is_dict(value): raise ValueError('config item is dict but should be a leaf node of type %r: %r' % (want_type, path)) if is_list(value): for list_v in value: validate_item(path, list_v, schema) return log.ctx(path) type_validator = SCHEMA_TYPES.get(want_type) type_validator(value) def nest(parent_path, config, schema): if parent_path: parent_path = parent_path + '.' else: parent_path = '' for k,v in config.items(): if not KEY_RE.fullmatch(k): raise ValueError('invalid config key: %r' % k) path = parent_path + k validate_item(path, v, schema) nest(None, config, schema) # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4