#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import _prep import shutil import re from osmo_gsm_tester.core import log from osmo_gsm_tester.core import config from osmo_gsm_tester.core import util from osmo_gsm_tester.core import report from osmo_gsm_tester.core import scenario from osmo_gsm_tester.core import suite from osmo_gsm_tester.core.schema import generate_schemas, get_all_schema import xml.etree.ElementTree as et config.override_conf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'paths.conf') example_trial_dir = os.path.join('test_trial_tmp') class FakeTrial(log.Origin): def __init__(self): super().__init__(log.C_TST, 'trial') self.dir = util.Dir(example_trial_dir) self._run_dir = None def get_run_dir(self): if self._run_dir is not None: return self._run_dir self._run_dir = util.Dir(self.dir.new_child('test_run')) self._run_dir.mkdir() return self._run_dir #log.style_change(trace=True) # Generate supported schemas dynamically from objects: generate_schemas() print('- non-existing suite dir') assert(log.run_logging_exceptions(suite.load, 'does_not_exist') == None) print('- no suite.conf') assert(log.run_logging_exceptions(suite.load, 'empty_dir') == None) print('- valid suite dir') example_suite_dir = os.path.join('test_suite') s_def = suite.load(example_suite_dir) assert(isinstance(s_def, suite.SuiteDefinition)) print(config.tostr(s_def.conf)) print('- run hello world test') trial = FakeTrial() s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'test_suite', s_def) results = s.run_tests('hello_world.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('- run report fragment test') results = s.run_tests('test_report_fragment.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) xml = et.tostring(report.suite_to_junit(s)).decode('utf-8') xml = re.sub('Traceback.*raise', '[BACKTRACE]\nraise', xml, flags=re.M + re.DOTALL) print('\n\n################################### junit XML:\n' + xml + '\n###################################\n\n') log.style_change(src=True) #log.style_change(trace=True) print('\n- a test with an error') results = s.run_tests('test_error.py') output = report.suite_to_text(s) print(output) print('\n- a test with a failure') results = s.run_tests('test_fail.py') output = report.suite_to_text(s) print(output) print('\n- a test with a raised failure') results = s.run_tests('test_fail_raise.py') output = report.suite_to_text(s) print(output) print('- test with half empty scenario') trial = FakeTrial() sc = scenario.Scenario('foo', 'bar') sc['resources'] = { 'bts': [{'type': 'osmo-bts-trx'}] } s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'test_suite', s_def, [sc]) results = s.run_tests('hello_world.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('- test with scenario') trial = FakeTrial() sc = scenario.Scenario('foo', 'bar') sc['resources'] = { 'bts': [{ 'times': '2', 'type': 'osmo-bts-trx', 'trx_list': [{'nominal_power': '10'}, {'nominal_power': '12'}]}, {'type': 'sysmo'}] } s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'test_suite', s_def, [sc]) results = s.run_tests('hello_world.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('- test with scenario and modifiers') trial = FakeTrial() sc = scenario.Scenario('foo', 'bar') sc['resources'] = { 'bts': [{ 'times': '2', 'type': 'osmo-bts-trx', 'trx_list': [{'nominal_power': '10'}, {'nominal_power': '12'}]}, {'type': 'sysmo'}] } sc['modifiers'] = { 'bts': [{ 'times': '2', 'trx_list': [{'nominal_power': '20'}, {'nominal_power': '20'}]}, {'type': 'sysmo'}] } s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'test_suite', s_def, [sc]) s.reserve_resources() print(repr(s.reserved_resources)) results = s.run_tests('hello_world.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('- test with suite-specific config') trial = FakeTrial() sc = scenario.Scenario('foo', 'bar') sc['config'] = {'suite': {s.name(): { 'some_suite_global_param': 'heyho', 'test_suite_params': {'one_bool_parameter': 'true', 'second_list_parameter': ['23', '45']}}}} s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'test_suite', s_def, [sc]) s.reserve_resources() print(repr(s.reserved_resources)) results = s.run_tests(['test_suite_params.py', 'test_timeout.py']) print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('- test with template overlay') trial = FakeTrial() s_def = suite.load('suiteC') s = suite.SuiteRun(trial, 'suiteC', s_def) results = s.run_tests('test_template_overlay.py') print(report.suite_to_text(s)) print('\n- graceful exit.') #deleting generated tmp trial dir: shutil.rmtree(example_trial_dir, ignore_errors=True) # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4