# osmo_gsm_tester: base classes to share code among BTS subclasses. # # Copyright (C) 2018 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Pau Espin Pedrol # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import pprint import tempfile from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from . import log, config, util, template, process, schema, pcu_osmo class Bts(log.Origin, metaclass=ABCMeta): suite_run = None conf = None bsc = None sgsn = None lac = None rac = None cellid = None bvci = None defaults_cfg_name = None _num_trx = 1 _max_trx = None overlay_trx_list = [] ############## # PROTECTED ############## def __init__(self, suite_run, conf, name, defaults_cfg_name): super().__init__(log.C_RUN, name) self.suite_run = suite_run self.conf = conf self.defaults_cfg_name = defaults_cfg_name self._init_num_trx() def _resolve_bts_cfg(self, cfg_name): res = None val = config.get_defaults('bsc_bts').get(cfg_name) if val is not None: res = val val = config.get_defaults(self.defaults_cfg_name).get(cfg_name) if val is not None: res = val val = self.conf.get(cfg_name) if val is not None: res = val return res def _init_num_trx(self): self._num_trx = 1 self._max_trx = None val = self._resolve_bts_cfg('num_trx') if val is not None: self._num_trx = int(val) val = self._resolve_bts_cfg('max_trx') if val is not None: self._max_trx = int(val) self._validate_new_num_trx(self._num_trx) self.overlay_trx_list = [Bts._new_default_trx_cfg() for trx in range(self._num_trx)] def _validate_new_num_trx(self, num_trx): if self._max_trx is not None and num_trx > self._max_trx: raise log.Error('Amount of TRX requested is too high for maximum allowed: %u > %u' %(num_trx, self._max_trx)) @staticmethod def _new_default_trx_cfg(): return {'timeslot_list':[{} for ts in range(8)]} @staticmethod def _trx_list_recreate(trx_list, new_size): curr_len = len(trx_list) if new_size < curr_len: trx_list = trx_list[0:new_size] elif new_size > curr_len: for i in range(new_size - curr_len): trx_list.append(Bts._new_default_trx_cfg()) return trx_list def conf_for_bsc_prepare(self): values = config.get_defaults('bsc_bts') # Make sure the trx_list is adapted to num of trx configured at runtime # to avoid overlay issues. trx_list = values.get('trx_list') if trx_list and len(trx_list) != self.num_trx(): values['trx_list'] = Bts._trx_list_recreate(trx_list, self.num_trx()) bts_defaults = config.get_defaults(self.defaults_cfg_name) trx_list = bts_defaults.get('trx_list') if trx_list and len(trx_list) != self.num_trx(): bts_defaults['trx_list'] = Bts._trx_list_recreate(trx_list, self.num_trx()) config.overlay(values, bts_defaults) if self.lac is not None: config.overlay(values, { 'location_area_code': self.lac }) if self.rac is not None: config.overlay(values, { 'routing_area_code': self.rac }) if self.cellid is not None: config.overlay(values, { 'cell_identity': self.cellid }) if self.bvci is not None: config.overlay(values, { 'bvci': self.bvci }) config.overlay(values, self.conf) sgsn_conf = {} if self.sgsn is None else self.sgsn.conf_for_client() config.overlay(values, sgsn_conf) config.overlay(values, { 'trx_list': self.overlay_trx_list }) return values ######################## # PUBLIC - INTERNAL API ######################## @abstractmethod def conf_for_bsc(self): 'Used by bsc objects to get path to socket.' pass def remote_addr(self): return self.conf.get('addr') def cleanup(self): 'Nothing to do by default. Subclass can override if required.' pass ################### # PUBLIC (test API included) ################### @abstractmethod def start(self): 'Starts BTS proccess and sets self.proc_bts with an object of Process interface' pass @abstractmethod def ready_for_pcu(self): 'True if the BTS is prepared to have a PCU connected, false otherwise' pass @abstractmethod def pcu(self): 'Get the Pcu object associated with the BTS' pass def set_bsc(self, bsc): self.bsc = bsc def set_sgsn(self, sgsn): self.sgsn = sgsn def set_lac(self, lac): self.lac = lac def set_rac(self, rac): self.rac = rac def set_cellid(self, cellid): self.cellid = cellid def set_bvci(self, bvci): self.bvci = bvci def set_num_trx(self, num_trx): assert num_trx > 0 self._validate_new_num_trx(num_trx) if num_trx == self._num_trx: return self._num_trx = num_trx self.overlay_trx_list = Bts._trx_list_recreate(self.overlay_trx_list, num_trx) def num_trx(self): return self._num_trx def set_trx_phy_channel(self, trx_idx, ts_idx, config): assert trx_idx < self._num_trx assert ts_idx < 8 schema.phy_channel_config(config) # validation self.overlay_trx_list[trx_idx]['timeslot_list'][ts_idx]['phys_chan_config'] = config # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4