# Usage: # # Other makefiles like Makefile.asciidoc.inc and Makefile.vty-reference.inc add # entries to UPLOAD_FILES and CLEAN_FILES. # # Put the repository name (e.g. "osmo-bts") into OSMO_REPOSITORY and include # this file at the end to have the common targets (upload, clean, install etc.). SSH_COMMAND = ssh -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=$(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_DIR)/build/known_hosts' -p 48 UPLOAD_PATH ?= generic@sysmocom-downloads:documents SYMLINKS = common build CLEAN_FILES += $(SYMLINKS) PDF_FILES = $(patsubst %.adoc,%.pdf,$(ASCIIDOC)) $(patsubst %.xml,%.pdf,$(VTY_REFERENCE)) OSMO_REPOSITORY ?= osmo-gsm-manuals # Prefix (Makefile.am sets this to configure's --prefix when including) prefix ?= /usr/local $(SYMLINKS): ln -s $(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_DIR)/$@ $@ upload: $(UPLOAD_FILES) rsync -avz $(UPLOAD_FILES) $(UPLOAD_PATH)/ clean: -rm -rf $(CLEAN_FILES) distclean: clean publish: $(UPLOAD_FILES) rsync -avz -e "$(SSH_COMMAND)" $(UPLOAD_FILES) docs@ftp.osmocom.org:web-files/latest/ # Install and uninstall targets # Notes about OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_NO_INSTALL: # - osmo-gsm-manuals.git's tests/Makefile.am sets this, so the test pdfs will not # get installed # - installing manuals by default is fine, because Osmocom projects won't include # the whole Makefile.common.inc unless --enable-manuals is passed to configure. install: $(PDF_FILES) if [ "$(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_NO_INSTALL)" != "1" ]; then \ for i in $(PDF_FILES); do \ install -vDm644 "$$i" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(OSMO_REPOSITORY)-doc/$$i" || exit 1; \ done; \ fi uninstall: if [ "$(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_NO_INSTALL)" != "1" ]; then \ for i in $(PDF_FILES); do \ rm -v "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(OSMO_REPOSITORY)-doc/$$i"; \ done; \ fi