
468 lines
14 KiB

#ifndef _BTS_H
#define _BTS_H
#include <osmocom/core/rate_ctr.h>
#include <osmocom/core/socket.h>
#include <osmo-bts/gsm_data.h>
#include <osmo-bts/bts_trx.h>
#include <osmo-bts/osmux.h>
struct gsm_bts_trx;
enum bts_global_status {
enum {
/* Used by OML layer for BTS Attribute reporting */
enum bts_attribute {
const char *btsatttr2str(enum bts_attribute v);
enum gsm_bts_type_variant {
const char *btsvariant2str(enum gsm_bts_type_variant v);
enum bts_impl_flag {
/* TODO: add a brief description of this flag */
/* When this flag is set then the measurement data is included in
* (PRIM_PH_DATA) and struct ph_tch_param (PRIM_TCH). Otherwise the
* measurement data is passed using a separate MPH INFO MEAS IND.
* (See also ticket: OS#2977) */
/* Whether the BTS model requires RadioCarrier MO to be in Enabled state
* (OPSTARTed) before OPSTARTing the RadioChannel MOs. See OS#5157 */
/* Whether the BTS model reports interference measurements to L1SAP. */
_BTS_INTERNAL_FLAG_NUM, /* must be at the end */
/* BTS implementation flags (internal use, not exposed via OML) */
#define bts_internal_flag_get(bts, flag) \
((bts->flags & (typeof(bts->flags))(1 << flag)) != 0)
#define bts_internal_flag_set(bts, flag) \
bts->flags |= (typeof(bts->flags))(1 << flag)
struct gprs_rlc_cfg {
uint16_t parameter[_NUM_RLC_PAR];
struct {
uint16_t repeat_time; /* ms */
uint8_t repeat_count;
} paging;
uint32_t cs_mask; /* bitmask of gprs_cs */
uint8_t initial_cs;
uint8_t initial_mcs;
struct bts_smscb_state {
struct llist_head queue; /* list of struct smscb_msg */
int queue_len;
struct rate_ctr_group *ctrs;
struct smscb_msg *cur_msg; /* current SMS-CB */
struct smscb_msg *default_msg; /* default broadcast message; NULL if none */
/* Tx power filtering algorithm */
enum bts_pf_algo {
/* UL/DL power control parameters */
struct bts_power_ctrl_params {
/* Target value to strive to */
int target_dbm;
/* Tolerated deviation from target */
int hysteresis_db;
/* How many dB do we raise power at maximum */
int raise_step_max_db;
/* How many dB do we lower power at maximum */
int lower_step_max_db;
/* RxLev filtering algorithm */
enum bts_pf_algo pf_algo;
/* (Optional) filtering parameters */
union {
/* Exponentially Weighted Moving Average */
struct {
/* Smoothing factor: higher the value - less smoothing */
uint8_t alpha; /* 1 .. 99 (in %) */
} ewma;
} pf;
/* GPRS CELL; ip.access specific NM Object */
struct gsm_gprs_cell {
struct gsm_abis_mo mo;
uint16_t bvci;
uint8_t timer[11];
struct gprs_rlc_cfg rlc_cfg;
struct {
uint32_t gprs_codings; /* see NM_IPAC_F_GPRS_CODING_* flags */
} support;
/* Struct that holds one OML-Address (Address of the BSC) */
struct bsc_oml_host {
struct llist_head list;
char *addr;
/* One BTS */
struct gsm_bts {
/* list header in g_bts_sm->bts_list */
struct llist_head list;
/* number of the BTS in network */
uint8_t nr;
/* human readable name / description */
char *description;
/* Cell Identity */
uint16_t cell_identity;
/* location area code of this BTS */
uint16_t location_area_code;
/* Base Station Identification Code (BSIC), lower 3 bits is BCC,
* which is used as TSC for the CCCH */
uint8_t bsic;
bool bsic_configured;
/* type of BTS */
enum gsm_bts_type_variant variant;
enum gsm_band band;
char version[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];
char sub_model[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];
/* public features of a given BTS (set/reported via OML) */
struct bitvec *features;
/* implementation flags of a given BTS (not exposed via OML) */
uint16_t flags;
/* Connected PCU version (if any) */
char pcu_version[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];
/* maximum Tx power that the MS is permitted to use in this cell */
int ms_max_power;
/* how do we talk OML with this TRX? */
struct e1inp_sign_link *oml_link;
struct timespec oml_conn_established_timestamp;
/* OSMO extenion link associated to same line as oml_link: */
struct e1inp_sign_link *osmo_link;
/* Abis network management O&M handle */
struct gsm_abis_mo mo;
/* number of this BTS on given E1 link */
uint8_t bts_nr;
/* DTX features of this BTS */
bool dtxd;
/* CCCH is on C0 */
struct gsm_bts_trx *c0;
struct gsm_bts_sm *site_mgr;
/* bitmask of all SI that are present/valid in si_buf */
uint32_t si_valid;
/* 3GPP TS 44.018 Table INDEX and COUNT for SI2quater */
uint8_t si2q_index; /* distinguish individual SI2quater messages */
uint8_t si2q_count; /* si2q_index for the last (highest indexed) individual SI2quater message */
/* buffers where we put the pre-computed SI */
sysinfo_buf_t si_buf[_MAX_SYSINFO_TYPE][SI2Q_MAX_NUM];
/* offsets used while generating SI2quater */
size_t e_offset;
size_t u_offset;
/* decoded SI rest octets - *unmodified* as received from BSC */
struct osmo_gsm48_si_ro_info si3_ro_decoded;
struct osmo_gsm48_si_ro_info si4_ro_decoded;
/* is SI GPRS Indicator currently disabled due to lack of PCU connection? */
bool si_gprs_ind_disabled;
/* ip.access Unit ID's have Site/BTS/TRX layout */
union {
struct {
uint16_t site_id;
uint16_t bts_id;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t rsl_ip;
} ip_access;
/* Not entirely sure how ip.access specific this is */
struct {
struct gsm_gprs_cell cell;
uint8_t rac;
} gprs;
/* transceivers */
int num_trx;
struct llist_head trx_list;
struct rate_ctr_group *ctrs;
bool supp_meas_toa256;
struct {
/* Interference Boundaries for OML */
int16_t boundary[6];
uint8_t intave;
} interference;
uint32_t t200_fn[7];
unsigned int t3105_ms;
unsigned int t3115_ms; /* VGCS UPLINK GRANT repeat timer */
struct {
uint8_t overload_period;
struct {
/* Input parameters from OML */
uint8_t load_ind_thresh; /* percent */
uint8_t load_ind_period; /* seconds */
/* Internal data */
struct osmo_timer_list timer;
unsigned int pch_total;
unsigned int pch_used;
} ccch;
struct {
/* Input parameters from OML */
int16_t busy_thresh; /* in dBm */
uint16_t averaging_slots;
/* Internal data */
unsigned int total; /* total nr */
unsigned int busy; /* above busy_thresh */
unsigned int access; /* access bursts */
} rach;
} load;
uint8_t ny1;
uint8_t ny2; /* maximum number of repetitions for the VGCS UPLINK GRANT */
uint8_t max_ta;
/* AGCH queuing */
struct {
struct llist_head queue;
int length;
int max_length;
int thresh_level; /* Cleanup threshold in percent of max len */
int low_level; /* Low water mark in percent of max len */
int high_level; /* High water mark in percent of max len */
/* TODO: Use a rate counter group instead */
uint64_t dropped_msgs;
uint64_t merged_msgs;
uint64_t rejected_msgs;
uint64_t agch_msgs;
uint64_t pch_msgs;
} agch_queue;
struct {
uint8_t *prim_notif; /* ETWS primary notification (NULL if none) */
ssize_t prim_notif_len; /* Length of prim_notif; expected 56 bytes */
uint8_t page_size;
uint8_t num_pages; /* total number of pages */
uint8_t next_page; /* next page number to be sent */
bool pni; /* Primary Notification Identifier */
} etws;
/* Advanced Speech Call Items (VBS/VGCS) + NCH related bits */
struct {
int pos_nch; /* position of the NCH or < 0, if not available */
uint8_t nln, nln_status; /* current notification list number and status */
struct llist_head notifications;
int notification_entries; /* current number of entries in the list */
int notification_count; /* counter to count all entries */
} asci;
struct paging_state *paging_state;
struct llist_head bsc_oml_hosts;
unsigned int rtp_jitter_buf_ms;
bool rtp_jitter_adaptive;
uint16_t rtp_port_range_start;
uint16_t rtp_port_range_end;
uint16_t rtp_port_range_next;
int rtp_ip_dscp;
int rtp_priority;
bool rtp_nogaps_mode; /* emit RTP stream without any gaps */
bool use_ul_ecu; /* "rtp internal-uplink-ecu" option */
bool emit_hr_rfc5993;
struct {
uint8_t ciphers; /* flags A5/1==0x1, A5/2==0x2, A5/3==0x4 */
uint8_t max_ta; /* maximum timing advance */
} support;
struct {
uint8_t tc4_ctr;
} si;
struct gsm_time gsm_time;
/* frame number statistics (FN in PH-RTS.ind vs. PH-DATA.ind */
struct {
int32_t min; /* minimum observed */
int32_t max; /* maximum observed */
int32_t avg256; /* accumulator */
uint32_t avg_count; /* number of samples accumulated in avg256 */
uint32_t avg_window; /* number of averages in avg_count */
} fn_stats;
/* Radio Link Timeout counter. -1 disables timeout for
* lab/measurement purpose */
struct {
int oml; /* value communicated by BSC in OML */
int current; /* actual currently applied value */
bool vty_override; /* OML value overridden by VTY */
} radio_link_timeout;
/* Default (fall-back) Dynamic Power Control parameters for all transceivers */
struct gsm_power_ctrl_params bs_dpc_params; /* BS Dynamic Power Control */
struct gsm_power_ctrl_params ms_dpc_params; /* MS Dynamic Power Control */
/* Maximum BCCH carrier power reduction */
uint8_t c0_power_red_db;
/* used by the sysmoBTS to adjust band */
uint8_t auto_band;
/* State for SMSCB (Cell Broadcast) for BASIC and EXTENDED channel */
struct bts_smscb_state smscb_basic;
struct bts_smscb_state smscb_extended;
int smscb_queue_tgt_len; /* ideal/target queue length */
int smscb_queue_max_len; /* maximum queue length */
int smscb_queue_hyst; /* hysteresis for CBCH load indications */
int16_t min_qual_rach; /* minimum link quality (in centiBels) for Access Bursts */
int16_t min_qual_norm; /* minimum link quality (in centiBels) for Normal Bursts */
uint16_t max_ber10k_rach; /* Maximum permitted RACH BER in 0.01% */
struct {
char *sock_path;
unsigned int sock_wqueue_len_max;
} pcu;
/* GSMTAP Um logging (disabled by default) */
struct {
struct gsmtap_inst *inst;
char *remote_host;
char *local_host;
uint32_t sapi_mask;
uint8_t sapi_acch;
bool rlp;
bool rlp_skip_null;
} gsmtap;
struct osmux_state osmux;
struct osmo_fsm_inst *shutdown_fi; /* FSM instance to manage shutdown procedure during process exit */
bool shutdown_fi_exit_proc; /* exit process when shutdown_fsm is finished? */
bool shutdown_fi_skip_power_ramp; /* Skip power ramping and change power in one step? */
struct osmo_fsm_inst *abis_link_fi; /* FSM instance to manage abis connection during process startup and link failure */
struct osmo_tdef *T_defs; /* Timer defines */
void *model_priv; /* Allocated by bts_model, contains model specific data pointer */
extern const struct value_string bts_impl_flag_desc[];
extern void *tall_bts_ctx;
#define GSM_BTS_SI2Q(bts, i) (struct gsm48_system_information_type_2quater *)((bts)->si_buf[SYSINFO_TYPE_2quater][i])
#define GSM_BTS_HAS_SI(bts, i) ((bts)->si_valid & (1 << i))
#define GSM_BTS_SI(bts, i) (void *)((bts)->si_buf[i][0])
static inline struct gsm_bts *gsm_gprs_cell_get_bts(struct gsm_gprs_cell *cell)
return (struct gsm_bts *)container_of(cell, struct gsm_bts, gprs.cell);
struct gsm_bts *gsm_bts_alloc(struct gsm_bts_sm *bts_sm, uint8_t bts_num);
struct gsm_bts *gsm_bts_num(const struct gsm_bts_sm *bts_sm, int num);
int bts_init(struct gsm_bts *bts);
void bts_shutdown(struct gsm_bts *bts, const char *reason);
void bts_shutdown_ext(struct gsm_bts *bts, const char *reason, bool exit_proc, bool skip_power_ramp);
int bts_link_estab(struct gsm_bts *bts);
int bts_agch_enqueue(struct gsm_bts *bts, struct msgb *msg);
int bts_agch_max_queue_length(int T, int bcch_conf);
enum ccch_msgt {
int bts_ccch_copy_msg(struct gsm_bts *bts, uint8_t *out_buf, struct gsm_time *gt, enum ccch_msgt ccch);
int bts_supports_cipher(struct gsm_bts *bts, int rsl_cipher);
uint8_t *bts_sysinfo_get(struct gsm_bts *bts, const struct gsm_time *g_time);
void regenerate_si3_restoctets(struct gsm_bts *bts);
void regenerate_si4_restoctets(struct gsm_bts *bts);
int get_si4_ro_offset(const uint8_t *si4_buf);
void load_timer_start(struct gsm_bts *bts);
void load_timer_stop(struct gsm_bts *bts);
bool load_timer_is_running(const struct gsm_bts *bts);
void bts_update_status(enum bts_global_status which, int on);
struct gsm_time *get_time(struct gsm_bts *bts);
int bts_main(int argc, char **argv);
bool bts_supports_cm(const struct gsm_bts *bts,
const struct rsl_ie_chan_mode *cm);
int32_t bts_get_avg_fn_advance(const struct gsm_bts *bts);
/* return the gsm_lchan for the CBCH (if it exists at all) */
struct gsm_lchan *gsm_bts_get_cbch(struct gsm_bts *bts);
int bts_set_c0_pwr_red(struct gsm_bts *bts, const uint8_t red);
/* Context information to be put in the control buffer (db) of the AGCH msg
* buffer */
struct bts_agch_msg_cb {
uint32_t msg_id;
bool confirm;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
#endif /* _BTS_H */