{ "comments": [ { "key": { "uuid": "0a43f021_aead5184", "filename": "rtpsource/ctrl_if.c", "patchSetId": 1 }, "lineNbr": 43, "author": { "id": 1000010 }, "writtenOn": "2020-03-07T10:28:46Z", "side": 1, "message": "Will this chunk of memory be free()d at all? Looks like a memleak to me, because in two previous cmd-\u003ereply assignments you assign pointers to the stack (const char *). Or will it be free()d as soon as the *cmd is free()d?", "range": { "startLine": 43, "startChar": 14, "endLine": 43, "endChar": 29 }, "revId": "e26bf68d65fad3e0e6abdfdb60bd9a6a4e04bed7", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "41a8335e_afb0954d", "filename": "rtpsource/ctrl_if.c", "patchSetId": 1 }, "lineNbr": 43, "author": { "id": 1000004 }, "writtenOn": "2020-03-08T22:46:12Z", "side": 1, "message": "it\u0027s a good question. I\u0027ve actually used the same pattern as in other osmocom programs, which do it like that. And yes, I assume it\u0027s hiearchical free when cmd is freed.", "parentUuid": "0a43f021_aead5184", "range": { "startLine": 43, "startChar": 14, "endLine": 43, "endChar": 29 }, "revId": "e26bf68d65fad3e0e6abdfdb60bd9a6a4e04bed7", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326", "unresolved": true } ] }