#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Python implementation of GSM 04.08 call state machine for use with # OsmoNITB MNCC interface # # (C) 2015 by Harald Welte # # Licensed under GNU General Public License, Version 2 or at your # option, any later version. import mncc import ctypes import pykka import logging as log from fysom import Fysom from mncc_sock import mncc_msg, mncc_number, mncc_rtp_msg, mncc_bridge_msg, mncc_bearer_cap Uint32Array2 = mncc.uint32_t * 2 class GSM48: class BCAP_SV(object): # GSM 04.08 bearer capability speech version FR = 0 HR = 1 EFR = 2 AMR_F = 4 AMR_H = 5 def __init__(self, codec): self.codec = codec; def __str__(self): if self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.FR: return 'FR' elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.HR: return 'HR' elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.EFR: return 'EFR' elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.AMR_F: return 'AMR-FR' elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.AMR_H: return 'AMR-HR' else: return 'Unknown' def to_lchan_mode(self): if self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.FR: return GSM48.ChanMode.SPEECH_V1 elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.HR: return GSM48.ChanMode.SPEECH_V1 elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.EFR: return GSM48.ChanMode.SPEECH_EFR elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.AMR_F: return GSM48.ChanMode.SPEECH_AMR elif self.codec == GSM48.BCAP_SV.AMR_H: return GSM48.ChanMode.SPEECH_AMR AllCodecs = (BCAP_SV.FR, BCAP_SV.HR, BCAP_SV.EFR, BCAP_SV.AMR_F, BCAP_SV.AMR_H) class ChanMode: # GSM 04.08 Channel Mode CMODE_SIGN = 0x00 SPEECH_V1 = 0x01 SPEECH_EFR = 0x21 SPEECH_AMR = 0x41 class GsmCallFsm(pykka.ThreadingActor): last_callref = 0 def __str__(self): return 'GsmCallFsm(%u/%s->%s/%s)' % (self.callref, self.calling, self.called, self.fsm.current) def _get_next_callref(self): GsmCallFsm.last_callref = GsmCallFsm.last_callref + 1 return GsmCallFsm.last_callref; def _printstatechange(self, e): log.debug('%s: event: %s, %s -> %s' % (self, e.event, e.src, e.dst)) if self.ctrl_ref != None: self.ctrl_ref.tell({'type':'call_state_change', 'called':self.called, 'old_state':e.src, 'new_state':e.dst}) def _onmncc_setup_req(self, e): msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_SETUP_REQ, callref = self.callref, fields = mncc.MNCC_F_CALLED | mncc.MNCC_F_CALLING | mncc.MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP, calling = mncc_number(self.calling), called = mncc_number(self.called), bearer_cap = mncc_bearer_cap(self.codecs_permitted)) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def _onmncc_disc_req(self, e): msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_DISC_REQ, callref = self.callref) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def find_matching_codec(self, ms_codecs): # find common denominator of permitted codecs and MS codecs for i in self.codecs_permitted: if i in ms_codecs: return GSM48.BCAP_SV(i) return None def _onmncc_call_conf_ind(self, e): msg_in = e.args[0] codec = self.find_matching_codec(msg_in.bearer_cap.speech_ver) log.info('%s: CALL-CONF.ind(selected codec = %s)' % (self, codec)) # select the according lchan_mode lchan_mode = codec.to_lchan_mode() msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY, callref = msg_in.callref, lchan_mode = lchan_mode) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def _onmncc_setup_cnf(self, e): # send MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ to MNCC interface, causing # CC-CONNECT-ACK to be sent to MS msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ, callref = self.callref) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) # ask to create the RTP socket in RTP bridge mode if self.rtp_bridge: msg = mncc_rtp_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_RTP_CREATE, callref = self.callref) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) # directly transition into the ACTIVE state self.fsm.mncc_setup_compl_req() def _onmncc_disc_ind(self, e): # send MNCC_RELEASE_REQ msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_REL_REQ, callref = self.callref) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def _onenter_NULL(self, e): if e.event != 'startup': self.stop() def __init__(self, mncc_ref, ctrl_ref = None, rtp_bridge = True, codecs_permitted = GSM48.AllCodecs): super(GsmCallFsm, self).__init__() self.mncc_ref = mncc_ref; self.calling = self.called = None self.callref = self._get_next_callref() self.ctrl_ref = ctrl_ref self.rtp_bridge = rtp_bridge self.rtp = None self.codecs_permitted = codecs_permitted self.fsm = Fysom(initial = 'NULL', events = [ # MT call setup ('mncc_setup_req', 'NULL', 'CALL_PRESENT'), ('mncc_rel_ind', 'CALL_PRESENT', 'NULL'), ('mncc_call_conf_ind', 'CALL_PRESENT', 'MT_CALL_CONFIRMED'), ('mncc_alert_ind', 'MT_CALL_CONFIRMED', 'CALL_RECEIVED'), ('mncc_setup_cnf', 'CALL_RECEIVED', 'CONNECT_REQUEST'), ('mncc_setup_cnf', 'MT_CALL_CONFIRMED', 'CONNECT_REQUEST'), ('mncc_setup_compl_req', 'CONNECT_REQUEST', 'ACTIVE'), # MO call setup # SETUP INDICATION (MS->MNCC) ('mncc_setup_ind', 'NULL', 'CALL_INIT'), # CALL PROCEEDING REQ (MNCC->MS) ('mncc_call_proc_req', 'CALL_INIT', 'MO_CALL_PROC'), # SETUP RESPONSE (MS->MNCC) ('mncc_setup_resp', 'MO_CALL_PROC', 'CONNECT_INDICATION'), # ALERT REQ (MNCC->MS) ('mncc_alert_req', 'MO_CALL_PROC', 'CALL_DELIVERED'), # SETUP RESPONSE (MS->MNCC) ('mncc_setup_resp', 'CALL_DELIVERED', 'CONNECT_INDICATION'), # PROGRESS REQ (MNCC->MS) ('mncc_progress_req', 'MO_CALL_PROC', 'MO_CALL_PROC'), # SETUP COMPL IND (MS->MNCC) ('mncc_setup_compl_ind', 'CONNECT_INDICATION', 'ACTIVE'), ('mncc_disc_ind', ['CALL_INIT', 'MO_CALL_PROC', 'CALL_RECEIVED', 'CONNECT_REQUEST', 'MT_CALL_CONFIRMED', 'ACTIVE', 'CONNECT_INDICATION'], 'RELEASE_REQUEST'), ('mncc_disc_req', ['CALL_INIT', 'MO_CALL_PROC', 'CALL_RECEIVED', 'CONNECT_REQUEST', 'MT_CALL_CONFIRMED', 'ACTIVE', 'CONNECT_INDICATION'], 'DISCONNECT_INDICATION'), ('mncc_rel_ind', '*', 'NULL'), ('mncc_disc_ind', 'DISCONNECT_INDICATION', 'RELEASE_REQUEST'), ('mncc_rel_cnf', 'RELEASE_REQUEST', 'NULL'), ], callbacks = [('onmncc_setup_req', self._onmncc_setup_req), ('onmncc_call_conf_ind', self._onmncc_call_conf_ind), ('onmncc_setup_cnf', self._onmncc_setup_cnf), ('onmncc_disc_ind', self._onmncc_disc_ind), ('onmncc_disc_req', self._onmncc_disc_req), ('onenterNULL', self._onenter_NULL), ], ) self.fsm.onchangestate = self._printstatechange def start_mt_call(self, calling, called): self.calling = calling self.called = called self.fsm.mncc_setup_req() def connect_rtp(self, rtp): rtp.msg_type = mncc.MNCC_RTP_CONNECT rtp.callref = self.callref self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': rtp}) # MT call def _do_mncc_rel_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_rel_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_call_conf_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_call_conf_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_alert_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_alert_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_setup_cnf(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_setup_cnf(mncc_msg) # MO call def _do_mncc_setup_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_setup_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_setup_compl_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_setup_compl_ind(mncc_msg) # Misc def _do_mncc_disc_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_disc_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_rel_ind(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_rel_ind(mncc_msg) def _do_mncc_rel_cnf(self, mncc_msg): self.fsm.mncc_rel_cnf(mncc_msg) # RTP def _do_mncc_rtp_create_ind(self, mncc_msg): if self.rtp_bridge == False: raise Exception('GsmCallFsm', 'rtp_create_ind but not in RTP bridge mode') self.rtp = mncc_msg # notify the call controller about this self.ctrl_ref.tell({'type':'rtp_create_ind', 'called':self.called, 'rtp':self.rtp}) def _do_mncc_rtp_connect_ind(self, mncc_msg): # FIXME return def _do_mncc_rtp_free_ind(self, mncc_msg): # FIXME return # DTMF def _do_mncc_start_dtmf_ind(self, msg_in): msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_START_DTMF_RSP, callref = self.callref, fields = mncc.MNCC_F_KEYPAD, keypad = msg_in.keypad) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def _do_mncc_stop_dtmf_ind(self, msg_in): msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_STOP_DTMF_RSP, callref = self.callref, fields = mncc.MNCC_F_KEYPAD, keypad = msg_in.keypad) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) # HOLD def _do_mncc_hold_ind(self, msg_in): # reject any hold requests msg = mncc_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_HOLD_REJ, callref= self.callref) self.mncc_ref.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) _func_by_type = { # MT call mncc.MNCC_REL_IND: _do_mncc_rel_ind, mncc.MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND: _do_mncc_call_conf_ind, mncc.MNCC_ALERT_IND: _do_mncc_alert_ind, mncc.MNCC_SETUP_CNF: _do_mncc_setup_cnf, # MO call mncc.MNCC_SETUP_IND: _do_mncc_setup_ind, mncc.MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND: _do_mncc_setup_compl_ind, # misc mncc.MNCC_DISC_IND: _do_mncc_disc_ind, mncc.MNCC_REL_IND: _do_mncc_rel_ind, mncc.MNCC_REL_CNF: _do_mncc_rel_cnf, # RTP mncc.MNCC_RTP_CREATE: _do_mncc_rtp_create_ind, mncc.MNCC_RTP_CONNECT: _do_mncc_rtp_connect_ind, mncc.MNCC_RTP_FREE: _do_mncc_rtp_free_ind, # DTMF mncc.MNCC_START_DTMF_IND: _do_mncc_start_dtmf_ind, mncc.MNCC_STOP_DTMF_IND: _do_mncc_stop_dtmf_ind, # HOLD mncc.MNCC_HOLD_IND: _do_mncc_hold_ind, } def _lookup_method(self, mncc_msg_type): return self._func_by_type[mncc_msg_type] def _handle_mncc(self, mncc_msg): if mncc_msg.callref != self.callref: raise Exception('mncc', '%s: Callref not for this GsmCallFsm' % self) self._lookup_method(mncc_msg.msg_type)(self, mncc_msg) # pykka Actor message receiver def on_receive(self, message): if message['type'] == 'mncc': msg = message['msg'] if msg.callref == self.callref: log.debug('%s: on_receive(mncc, %s)' % (self, msg)) return self._handle_mncc(msg) elif message['type'] == 'start_mt_call': self.start_mt_call(message['calling'], message['called']) elif message['type'] == 'connect_rtp': self.connect_rtp(message['rtp']) elif message['type'] == 'get_callref': return self.callref elif message['type'] == 'release': self.fsm.mncc_disc_req(None) else: raise Exception('mncc', '%s: Unknown message %s' % (self, message)) class GsmCallConnector(pykka.ThreadingActor): def __init__(self, mncc_act, rtp_bridge = True, codecs_permitted = GSM48.AllCodecs): super(GsmCallConnector, self).__init__() self.mncc_act = mncc_act self.rtp_bridge = rtp_bridge self.codecs_permitted = codecs_permitted self.call_a = GsmCallFsm.start(self.mncc_act, self.actor_ref, self.rtp_bridge, self.codecs_permitted) self.call_b = GsmCallFsm.start(self.mncc_act, self.actor_ref, self.rtp_bridge, self.codecs_permitted) self.callref_a = self.call_a.ask({'type':'get_callref'}) self.callref_b = self.call_b.ask({'type':'get_callref'}) self.state_a = self_state_b = 'NULL' self.rtp_a = self.rtp_b = None def start_call_ab(self, msisdn_a, msisdn_b): self.msisdn_a = msisdn_a self.msisdn_b = msisdn_b # start MT call B->A self.call_a.tell({'type':'start_mt_call', 'calling':self.msisdn_b, 'called':self.msisdn_a}) # start MT call A->B self.call_b.tell({'type':'start_mt_call', 'calling':self.msisdn_a, 'called':self.msisdn_b}) def rtp_created(self, msisdn, rtp): log.info('CallConnector:rtp_created(%s) %s' % (msisdn, rtp)) if self.rtp_bridge == False: raise Exception('GsmCallConnector', 'rtp_created but not in RTP bridge mode') if msisdn == self.msisdn_a: # A->B leg self.rtp_a = rtp elif msisdn == self.msisdn_b: # B->A leg self.rtp_b = rtp if self.rtp_a and self.rtp_b: self.call_a.tell({'type':'connect_rtp', 'rtp':self.rtp_b}) self.call_b.tell({'type':'connect_rtp', 'rtp':self.rtp_a}) def bridge_legs(self): # bridge the voice channels of both call legs in the classic way if self.rtp_bridge: raise Exception('GsmCallConnector', 'bridge_legs but in RTP bridge mode') msg = mncc_bridge_msg(msg_type = mncc.MNCC_BRIDGE, callref = Uint32Array2(self.callref_a, self.callref_b)) self.mncc_act.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': msg}) def call_state_change(self, msisdn, old_state, new_state): log.debug('CallConnector:leg_state_change(%s) %s -> %s' % (msisdn, old_state, new_state)) if msisdn == self.msisdn_a: # A->B leg self.state_a = new_state elif msisdn == self.msisdn_b: # B->A leg self.state_b = new_state if self.rtp_bridge == False and self.state_a == 'ACTIVE' and self.state_b == 'ACTIVE': self.bridge_legs() if self.state_a == 'NULL' and self.state_b == 'NULL': log.info('Both A and B in state NULL -> Terminating') self.stop() def on_receive(self, message): if message['type'] == 'call_state_change': self.call_state_change(message['called'], message['old_state'], message['new_state']) elif message['type'] == 'rtp_create_ind': self.rtp_created(message['called'], message['rtp']) #else: # raise Exception('mncc', 'GsmCallConnector Rx Unknown message %s' % message) def release(self): self.call_a.tell({'type':'release'})