#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Python testing tool for establishing mobile-terminated calls using # the OsmoMSC MNCC interface. It wants to communicate via CTRL with a # 'rtpsoucre' program which will take care of generating RtP flows # for the MT calls that are established. # # (C) 2015, 2020 by Harald Welte # # Licensed under GNU General Public License, Version 2 or at your # option, any later version. RTPSOURCE_CTRL_IP = "" RTPSOURCE_CTRL_PORT = 11111 from gsm_call_fsm import GsmCallFsm, GSM48 from mncc_sock import MnccSocket from thread import start_new_thread from ctrl import OsmoCtrlSimple import pykka import logging as log import signal, sys, time import readline, code import socket import struct import mncc from mncc_sock import mncc_rtp_msg def int2ipstr(addr): '''Convert from an integer to a strinf-formatted IPv4 address''' return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr)) def ipstr2int(addr): '''Convert from a string-formatted IPv4 address to integer''' return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0] class MnccActor(pykka.ThreadingActor): '''MnccActor provides an interface for GsmCallFsm to send MNCC messages''' def __init__(self, mncc_sock): super(MnccActor, self).__init__() self.mncc_sock = mncc_sock def on_receive(self, message): if message['type'] == 'send': msg = message['msg'] log.debug('MnccActor TxMNCC %s' % msg) mncc_sock.send(msg) else: raise Exception('mncc', 'MnccActor Received unhandled %s' % message) def mncc_rx_thread(mncc_sock): '''MNCC receive thread, broadcasting received MNCC packets to GsmCallFsm''' while 1: msg = mncc_sock.recv() if msg == None: raise Exception('mncc', 'MnccSocket disconnected') if msg.is_frame(): log.warning("Dropping traffic frame: %s" % msg) continue log.debug("MnccActor RxMNCC %s, broadcasting to Call FSMs" % msg) # we simply broadcast to all calls pykka.ActorRegistry.broadcast({'type': 'mncc', 'msg': msg}, GsmCallFsm) class RtpSourceCtrlActor(pykka.ThreadingActor): '''Actor for talking with the rtpsource program via an osmocom CTRL interface''' def __init__(self, ctrl_host, ctrl_port=11111): super(RtpSourceCtrlActor, self).__init__() self.ctrl = OsmoCtrlSimple(ctrl_host, ctrl_port) self.ctrl.connect() def _set_var(self, var, val): (res, var, val) = self.ctrl.do_set_get(var, val) log.debug('RtpSourceCtrlActor result=%s var=%s val=%s' % (res, var, val)) return (res, var, val) def on_receive(self, message): if message['type'] == 'rtp_create': (res, var, val) = self._set_var('rtp_create', message['cname']) v = val.split(',') # input looks like '1,,37723' return {'cname': v[0], 'remote_host': v[1], 'remote_port': int(v[2])} elif message['type'] == 'rtp_connect': val = '%s,%s,%u,%u' % (message['cname'], message['remote_host'], message['remote_port'], message['payload_type']) (res, var, val) = self._set_var('rtp_connect', val) return res elif message['type'] == 'rtp_delete': (res, var, val) = self._set_var('rtp_delete', message['cname']) return res else: raise Exception('ctrl', 'RtpSourceCtrlActor Received unhandled %s' % message) class MTCallRtpsource(pykka.ThreadingActor): '''Actor to start a network-initiated MT (mobile terminated) call to a given MSISDN, connecting the RTP flow to an extenal rtpsource program''' def __init__(self, mncc_act, ctrl_act, codecs_permitted = GSM48.AllCodecs): super(MTCallRtpsource, self).__init__() self.mncc_act = mncc_act self.ctrl_act = ctrl_act self.codecs_permitted = codecs_permitted self.call = GsmCallFsm.start(self.mncc_act, self.actor_ref, True, self.codecs_permitted) self.callref = self.call.ask({'type':'get_callref'}) self.state = 'NULL' self.rtp_msc = None def start_call(self, msisdn_called, msisdn_calling): '''Start a MT call from given [external] calling party to given mobile party MSISDN''' self.msisdn_called = msisdn_called self.msisdn_calling = msisdn_calling # allocate a RTP connection @ rtpsource r = self.ctrl_act.ask({'type':'rtp_create', 'cname':self.callref}) self.ext_rtp_host = r['remote_host'] self.ext_rtp_port = r['remote_port'] # start the MNCC call FSM self.call.tell({'type':'start_mt_call', 'calling':self.msisdn_calling, 'called':self.msisdn_called}) def on_stop(self): # Attempt to do a graceful shutdown by deleting the RTP connection from rtpsource self.ctrl_act.ask({'type':'rtp_delete', 'cname':self.callref}) self.call.stop() def on_failure(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): # on_stop() is not called in case of failure; fix that self.on_stop() def on_receive(self, message): if message['type'] == 'rtp_create_ind': # MSC+MGW informs us of the PLMN side IP/port mncc_rtp_ind = message['rtp'] # tell external rtpsourc to connect to this address r = self.ctrl_act.ask({'type':'rtp_connect', 'cname':self.callref, 'remote_host': int2ipstr(mncc_rtp_ind.ip), 'remote_port': mncc_rtp_ind.port, 'payload_type':3}) # tell MSC to connect to ip/port @ rtpsource mncc_rtp_conn = mncc_rtp_msg(msg_type=mncc.MNCC_RTP_CONNECT, callref=self.callref, ip=ipstr2int(self.ext_rtp_host), port=self.ext_rtp_port) self.mncc_act.tell({'type': 'send', 'msg': mncc_rtp_conn}) elif message['type'] == 'call_state_change': if message['new_state'] == 'NULL': # Call FSM has reached the NULL state again (call terminated) # on_stop() will clean up the RTP connection at rtpsource self.stop() # capture SIGINT (Ctrl+C) and stop all actors def sigint_handler(signum, frame): pykka.ActorRegistry.stop_all() sys.exit(0) log.basicConfig(level = log.DEBUG, format = "%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) # start the MnccSocket and associated pykka actor + rx thread mncc_sock = MnccSocket() mncc_act = MnccActor.start(mncc_sock) start_new_thread(mncc_rx_thread, (mncc_sock,)) # connect via CTRL to rtpsource rtpctrl_act = RtpSourceCtrlActor.start(RTPSOURCE_CTRL_IP, RTPSOURCE_CTRL_PORT) # convenience wrapper def mt_call(msisdn_called, msisdn_calling = '123456789', codecs = GSM48.AllCodecs): call_conn = MTCallRtpsource.start(mncc_act, rtpctrl_act, codecs).proxy() call_conn.start_call(msisdn_called, msisdn_calling) return call_conn # start one call automatically mt_call('90001') # start a shell to enable the user to add more calls as needed vars = globals().copy() vars.update(locals()) shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars) try: shell.interact() except SystemExit: pass # clan up after user leaves interactive shell sigint_handler(signal.SIGINT, None)