/* This file contains sections copied from * libosmocore/include/osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h, * libosmocore/include/osmocom/gsm/mncc.h and * openbsc/include/openbsc/mncc.h */ #include /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Information Transfer Capability */ enum gsm48_bcap_itcap { GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_SPEECH = 0, GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_UNR_DIG_INF = 1, GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_3k1_AUDIO = 2, GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_FAX_G3 = 3, GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_OTHER = 5, GSM48_BCAP_ITCAP_RESERVED = 7, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Transfer Mode */ enum gsm48_bcap_tmod { GSM48_BCAP_TMOD_CIRCUIT = 0, GSM48_BCAP_TMOD_PACKET = 1, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Coding Standard */ enum gsm48_bcap_coding { GSM48_BCAP_CODING_GSM_STD = 0, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Radio Channel Requirements */ enum gsm48_bcap_rrq { GSM48_BCAP_RRQ_FR_ONLY = 1, GSM48_BCAP_RRQ_DUAL_HR = 2, GSM48_BCAP_RRQ_DUAL_FR = 3, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Rate Adaption */ enum gsm48_bcap_ra { GSM48_BCAP_RA_NONE = 0, GSM48_BCAP_RA_V110_X30 = 1, GSM48_BCAP_RA_X31 = 2, GSM48_BCAP_RA_OTHER = 3, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Signalling access protocol */ enum gsm48_bcap_sig_access { GSM48_BCAP_SA_I440_I450 = 1, GSM48_BCAP_SA_X21 = 2, GSM48_BCAP_SA_X28_DP_IN = 3, GSM48_BCAP_SA_X28_DP_UN = 4, GSM48_BCAP_SA_X28_NDP = 5, GSM48_BCAP_SA_X32 = 6, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: User Rate */ enum gsm48_bcap_user_rate { GSM48_BCAP_UR_300 = 1, GSM48_BCAP_UR_1200 = 2, GSM48_BCAP_UR_2400 = 3, GSM48_BCAP_UR_4800 = 4, GSM48_BCAP_UR_9600 = 5, GSM48_BCAP_UR_12000 = 6, GSM48_BCAP_UR_1200_75 = 7, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Parity */ enum gsm48_bcap_parity { GSM48_BCAP_PAR_ODD = 0, GSM48_BCAP_PAR_EVEN = 2, GSM48_BCAP_PAR_NONE = 3, GSM48_BCAP_PAR_ZERO = 4, GSM48_BCAP_PAR_ONE = 5, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Intermediate Rate */ enum gsm48_bcap_interm_rate { GSM48_BCAP_IR_8k = 2, GSM48_BCAP_IR_16k = 3, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Transparency */ enum gsm48_bcap_transp { GSM48_BCAP_TR_TRANSP = 0, GSM48_BCAP_TR_RLP = 1, GSM48_BCAP_TR_TR_PREF = 2, GSM48_BCAP_TR_RLP_PREF = 3, }; /* GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Modem Type */ enum gsm48_bcap_modem_type { GSM48_BCAP_MT_NONE = 0, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V21 = 1, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V22 = 2, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V22bis = 3, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V23 = 4, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V26ter = 5, GSM48_BCAP_MT_V32 = 6, GSM48_BCAP_MT_UNDEF = 7, GSM48_BCAP_MT_AUTO_1 = 8, }; /*! GSM 04.08 Bearer Capability: Speech Version Indication * (See also 3GPP TS 24.008, Table 10.5.103) */ enum gsm48_bcap_speech_ver { GSM48_BCAP_SV_FR = 0, /*!< GSM FR V1 (GSM FR) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_HR = 1, /*!< GSM HR V1 (GSM HR) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_EFR = 2, /*!< GSM FR V2 (GSM EFR) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_F = 4, /*!< GSM FR V3 (FR AMR) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_H = 5, /*!< GSM HR V3 (HR_AMR) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_OFW = 6, /*!< GSM FR V4 (OFR AMR-WB) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_OHW = 7, /*!< GSM HR V4 (OHR AMR-WB) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_FW = 8, /*!< GSM FR V5 (FR AMR-WB) */ GSM48_BCAP_SV_AMR_OH = 11, /*!< GSM HR V6 (OHR AMR) */ }; #define GSM_MAX_FACILITY 128 #define GSM_MAX_SSVERSION 128 #define GSM_MAX_USERUSER 128 /* Expanded fields from GSM TS 04.08, Table 10.5.102 */ struct gsm_mncc_bearer_cap { int transfer; /* Information Transfer Capability */ int mode; /* Transfer Mode */ int coding; /* Coding Standard */ int radio; /* Radio Channel Requirement */ int speech_ctm; /* CTM text telephony indication */ int speech_ver[8]; /* Speech version indication */ struct { enum gsm48_bcap_ra rate_adaption; enum gsm48_bcap_sig_access sig_access; int async; int nr_stop_bits; int nr_data_bits; enum gsm48_bcap_user_rate user_rate; enum gsm48_bcap_parity parity; enum gsm48_bcap_interm_rate interm_rate; enum gsm48_bcap_transp transp; enum gsm48_bcap_modem_type modem_type; } data; }; struct gsm_mncc_number { int type; int plan; int present; int screen; char number[33]; }; struct gsm_mncc_cause { int location; int coding; int rec; int rec_val; int value; int diag_len; char diag[32]; }; struct gsm_mncc_useruser { int proto; char info[GSM_MAX_USERUSER + 1]; /* + termination char */ }; struct gsm_mncc_progress { int coding; int location; int descr; }; struct gsm_mncc_facility { int len; char info[GSM_MAX_FACILITY]; }; struct gsm_mncc_ssversion { int len; char info[GSM_MAX_SSVERSION]; }; struct gsm_mncc_cccap { int dtmf; int pcp; }; enum { GSM_MNCC_BCAP_SPEECH = 0, GSM_MNCC_BCAP_UNR_DIG = 1, GSM_MNCC_BCAP_AUDIO = 2, GSM_MNCC_BCAP_FAX_G3 = 3, GSM_MNCC_BCAP_OTHER_ITC = 5, GSM_MNCC_BCAP_RESERVED = 7, }; #define MNCC_SETUP_REQ 0x0101 #define MNCC_SETUP_IND 0x0102 #define MNCC_SETUP_RSP 0x0103 #define MNCC_SETUP_CNF 0x0104 #define MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ 0x0105 #define MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND 0x0106 /* MNCC_REJ_* is perfomed via MNCC_REL_* */ #define MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND 0x0107 #define MNCC_CALL_PROC_REQ 0x0108 #define MNCC_PROGRESS_REQ 0x0109 #define MNCC_ALERT_REQ 0x010a #define MNCC_ALERT_IND 0x010b #define MNCC_NOTIFY_REQ 0x010c #define MNCC_NOTIFY_IND 0x010d #define MNCC_DISC_REQ 0x010e #define MNCC_DISC_IND 0x010f #define MNCC_REL_REQ 0x0110 #define MNCC_REL_IND 0x0111 #define MNCC_REL_CNF 0x0112 #define MNCC_FACILITY_REQ 0x0113 #define MNCC_FACILITY_IND 0x0114 #define MNCC_START_DTMF_IND 0x0115 #define MNCC_START_DTMF_RSP 0x0116 #define MNCC_START_DTMF_REJ 0x0117 #define MNCC_STOP_DTMF_IND 0x0118 #define MNCC_STOP_DTMF_RSP 0x0119 #define MNCC_MODIFY_REQ 0x011a #define MNCC_MODIFY_IND 0x011b #define MNCC_MODIFY_RSP 0x011c #define MNCC_MODIFY_CNF 0x011d #define MNCC_MODIFY_REJ 0x011e #define MNCC_HOLD_IND 0x011f #define MNCC_HOLD_CNF 0x0120 #define MNCC_HOLD_REJ 0x0121 #define MNCC_RETRIEVE_IND 0x0122 #define MNCC_RETRIEVE_CNF 0x0123 #define MNCC_RETRIEVE_REJ 0x0124 #define MNCC_USERINFO_REQ 0x0125 #define MNCC_USERINFO_IND 0x0126 #define MNCC_REJ_REQ 0x0127 #define MNCC_REJ_IND 0x0128 #define MNCC_BRIDGE 0x0200 #define MNCC_FRAME_RECV 0x0201 #define MNCC_FRAME_DROP 0x0202 #define MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY 0x0203 #define MNCC_RTP_CREATE 0x0204 #define MNCC_RTP_CONNECT 0x0205 #define MNCC_RTP_FREE 0x0206 #define GSM_TCHF_FRAME 0x0300 #define GSM_TCHF_FRAME_EFR 0x0301 #define GSM_TCHH_FRAME 0x0302 #define GSM_TCH_FRAME_AMR 0x0303 #define GSM_BAD_FRAME 0x03ff #define MNCC_SOCKET_HELLO 0x0400 #define GSM_MAX_FACILITY 128 #define GSM_MAX_SSVERSION 128 #define GSM_MAX_USERUSER 128 #define MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP 0x0001 #define MNCC_F_CALLED 0x0002 #define MNCC_F_CALLING 0x0004 #define MNCC_F_REDIRECTING 0x0008 #define MNCC_F_CONNECTED 0x0010 #define MNCC_F_CAUSE 0x0020 #define MNCC_F_USERUSER 0x0040 #define MNCC_F_PROGRESS 0x0080 #define MNCC_F_EMERGENCY 0x0100 #define MNCC_F_FACILITY 0x0200 #define MNCC_F_SSVERSION 0x0400 #define MNCC_F_CCCAP 0x0800 #define MNCC_F_KEYPAD 0x1000 #define MNCC_F_SIGNAL 0x2000 struct gsm_mncc { /* context based information */ uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t callref; /* which fields are present */ uint32_t fields; /* data derived informations (MNCC_F_ based) */ struct gsm_mncc_bearer_cap bearer_cap; struct gsm_mncc_number called; struct gsm_mncc_number calling; struct gsm_mncc_number redirecting; struct gsm_mncc_number connected; struct gsm_mncc_cause cause; struct gsm_mncc_progress progress; struct gsm_mncc_useruser useruser; struct gsm_mncc_facility facility; struct gsm_mncc_cccap cccap; struct gsm_mncc_ssversion ssversion; struct { int sup; int inv; } clir; int signal; /* data derived information, not MNCC_F based */ int keypad; int more; int notify; /* 0..127 */ int emergency; char imsi[16]; unsigned char lchan_type; unsigned char lchan_mode; char sdp[1024]; }; struct gsm_data_frame { uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t callref; unsigned char data[0]; }; #define MNCC_SOCK_VERSION 6 struct gsm_mncc_hello { uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t version; /* send the sizes of the structs */ uint32_t mncc_size; uint32_t data_frame_size; /* send some offsets */ uint32_t called_offset; uint32_t signal_offset; uint32_t emergency_offset; uint32_t lchan_type_offset; }; struct gsm_mncc_rtp { uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t callref; uint32_t ip; uint16_t port; uint32_t payload_type; uint32_t payload_msg_type; char sdp[1024]; }; struct gsm_mncc_bridge { uint32_t msg_type; uint32_t callref[2]; };