Dimitri Stolnikov 2b79811350 bladerf: implement options for clock configuration
Since firmware 2016.01-rc1 bladeRF has the ability to lock to an
external reference as well as produce arbitrary frequency signal
(25 MHz here) on its clock output.

Use gr-osmosdr source with the following arguments to produce 25
MHz on the SMB connector:

osmocom_fft -a bladerf,smb=25e6


To lock the bladeRF itself to an external GPSDO reference, use
additional arguments tamer=external for 10MHz or tamer=external_1pps for
1PPS GPSDO signals.

osmocom_fft -a bladerf,smb=25e6,tamer=external


The described method requires

Carefully *read the instructions for external reference locking*
(especially max allowed voltage levels) on Nuand's blog https://
2016-02-28 17:45:54 +01:00
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file added file_sink_c 2016-01-10 22:12:19 +01:00
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source_iface.h introduce time & clock synchronisation APIs 2014-11-25 20:47:59 +01:00 redpitaya: add support for Red Pitaya SDR transceiver 2015-12-18 22:02:25 +01:00
source_impl.h introduce time & clock synchronisation APIs 2014-11-25 20:47:59 +01:00 osmo: minor build tweaks w/ rtl on msvc 2015-04-28 22:27:53 +02:00