/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 Clayton Smith * * gr-osmosdr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * gr-osmosdr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with gr-osmosdr; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "hackrf_common.h" #include "arg_helpers.h" int hackrf_common::_usage = 0; std::mutex hackrf_common::_usage_mutex; std::map> hackrf_common::_devs; std::mutex hackrf_common::_devs_mutex; hackrf_common::hackrf_common(const std::string &args) : _dev(NULL), _sample_rate(0), _center_freq(0), _freq_corr(0), _auto_gain(false), _bandwidth(0), _bias(false), _started(false) { int ret; hackrf_device *raw_dev; hackrf_device_list_t *list; int dev_index; std::string target_serial = "0"; std::string final_serial = ""; dict_t dict = params_to_dict(args); if (dict.count("hackrf") > 0 && dict["hackrf"].length() > 0) { target_serial = dict["hackrf"]; } { std::lock_guard guard(_usage_mutex); if (_usage == 0) { hackrf_init(); /* call only once before the first open */ } _usage++; } list = hackrf_device_list(); if (target_serial.length() > 1) { for (dev_index = 0; dev_index < list->devicecount; dev_index++) { if (list->serial_numbers[dev_index]) { std::string serial(list->serial_numbers[dev_index]); if (serial.compare(serial.length() - target_serial.length(), target_serial.length(), target_serial) == 0) { break; } } } if (dev_index >= list->devicecount) { hackrf_device_list_free(list); throw std::runtime_error( "No device found with serial number '" + target_serial + "'"); } } else { try { dev_index = std::stoi(target_serial); } catch (std::exception &ex) { hackrf_device_list_free(list); throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to use '" + target_serial + "' as HackRF device index number"); } if (dev_index >= list->devicecount) { hackrf_device_list_free(list); throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to use '" + target_serial + "' as HackRF device index: not enough devices"); } } if (list->serial_numbers[dev_index]) { final_serial = list->serial_numbers[dev_index]; } { std::lock_guard guard(_devs_mutex); if (_devs.count(final_serial) > 0 && !_devs[final_serial].expired()) { _dev = hackrf_sptr(_devs[final_serial]); } else { ret = hackrf_device_list_open(list, dev_index, &raw_dev); HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR(ret, "Failed to open HackRF device") _dev = hackrf_sptr(raw_dev, hackrf_common::close); _devs[final_serial] = static_cast>(_dev); } } hackrf_device_list_free(list); uint8_t board_id; ret = hackrf_board_id_read(_dev.get(), &board_id); HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR(ret, "Failed to get HackRF board id") char version[40]; memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); ret = hackrf_version_string_read(_dev.get(), version, sizeof(version)); HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR(ret, "Failed to read version string") std::cerr << "Using " << hackrf_board_id_name(hackrf_board_id(board_id)) << " " << "with firmware " << version << std::endl; } void hackrf_common::close(void *dev) { int ret = hackrf_close(static_cast(dev)); if (ret != HACKRF_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << HACKRF_FORMAT_ERROR(ret, "Failed to close HackRF") << std::endl; } { std::lock_guard guard(_usage_mutex); _usage--; if (_usage == 0) { hackrf_exit(); /* call only once after last close */ } } } std::vector hackrf_common::get_devices() { std::vector devices; std::string label; { std::lock_guard guard(_usage_mutex); if (_usage == 0) { hackrf_init(); /* call only once before the first open */ } _usage++; } hackrf_device_list_t *list = hackrf_device_list(); for (int i = 0; i < list->devicecount; i++) { label = "HackRF "; label += hackrf_usb_board_id_name(list->usb_board_ids[i]); std::string args; if (list->serial_numbers[i]) { std::string serial(list->serial_numbers[i]); if (serial.length() > 6) serial = serial.substr(serial.length() - 6, 6); args = "hackrf=" + serial; if (serial.length() ) label += " " + serial; } else { args = "hackrf"; /* will pick the first one, serial number is required for choosing a specific one */ } args += ",label='" + label + "'"; devices.push_back(args); } hackrf_device_list_free(list); { std::lock_guard guard(_usage_mutex); _usage--; if (_usage == 0) { hackrf_exit(); /* call only once after last close */ } } return devices; } osmosdr::meta_range_t hackrf_common::get_sample_rates() { osmosdr::meta_range_t range; /* we only add integer rates here because of better phase noise performance. * the user is allowed to request arbitrary (fractional) rates within these * boundaries. */ range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 8e6 )); range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 10e6 )); range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 12.5e6 )); range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 16e6 )); range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 20e6 )); /* confirmed to work on fast machines */ return range; } double hackrf_common::set_sample_rate( double rate ) { int ret; if (_dev.get() && _started) { ret = hackrf_set_sample_rate( _dev.get(), rate ); if ( HACKRF_SUCCESS != ret ) { HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR( ret, HACKRF_FUNC_STR( "hackrf_set_sample_rate", rate ) ) } } _sample_rate = rate; return get_sample_rate(); } double hackrf_common::get_sample_rate() { return _sample_rate; } osmosdr::freq_range_t hackrf_common::get_freq_range( size_t chan ) { osmosdr::freq_range_t range; range.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( _sample_rate / 2, 7250e6 - _sample_rate / 2 )); return range; } double hackrf_common::set_center_freq( double freq, size_t chan ) { int ret; #define APPLY_PPM_CORR(val, ppm) ((val) * (1.0 + (ppm) * 0.000001)) if (_dev.get() && _started) { double corr_freq = APPLY_PPM_CORR( freq, _freq_corr ); ret = hackrf_set_freq( _dev.get(), uint64_t(corr_freq) ); if ( HACKRF_SUCCESS != ret ) { HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR( ret, HACKRF_FUNC_STR( "hackrf_set_freq", corr_freq ) ) } } _center_freq = freq; return get_center_freq( chan ); } double hackrf_common::get_center_freq( size_t chan ) { return _center_freq; } double hackrf_common::set_freq_corr( double ppm, size_t chan ) { _freq_corr = ppm; set_center_freq( _center_freq ); return get_freq_corr( chan ); } double hackrf_common::get_freq_corr( size_t chan ) { return _freq_corr; } bool hackrf_common::set_gain_mode( bool automatic, size_t chan ) { _auto_gain = automatic; return get_gain_mode(chan); } bool hackrf_common::get_gain_mode( size_t chan ) { return _auto_gain; } double hackrf_common::set_gain( double gain, size_t chan ) { int ret; double clip_gain = (gain >= 14.0) ? 14.0 : 0.0; if (_dev.get() && _started) { uint8_t value = (clip_gain == 14.0) ? 1 : 0; ret = hackrf_set_amp_enable( _dev.get(), value ); if ( HACKRF_SUCCESS != ret ) { HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR( ret, HACKRF_FUNC_STR( "hackrf_set_amp_enable", value ) ) } } _amp_gain = clip_gain; return hackrf_common::get_gain(chan); } double hackrf_common::get_gain( size_t chan ) { return _amp_gain; } std::vector< std::string > hackrf_common::get_antennas( size_t chan ) { return { get_antenna( chan ) }; } std::string hackrf_common::set_antenna( const std::string & antenna, size_t chan ) { return get_antenna( chan ); } std::string hackrf_common::get_antenna( size_t chan ) { return "TX/RX"; } double hackrf_common::set_bandwidth( double bandwidth, size_t chan ) { int ret; // osmosdr::freq_range_t bandwidths = get_bandwidth_range( chan ); if ( bandwidth == 0.0 ) /* bandwidth of 0 means automatic filter selection */ bandwidth = _sample_rate * 0.75; /* select narrower filters to prevent aliasing */ /* compute best default value depending on sample rate (auto filter) */ uint32_t bw = hackrf_compute_baseband_filter_bw( uint32_t(bandwidth) ); if (_dev.get() && _started) { ret = hackrf_set_baseband_filter_bandwidth( _dev.get(), bw ); if (HACKRF_SUCCESS != ret) { HACKRF_THROW_ON_ERROR( ret, HACKRF_FUNC_STR( "hackrf_set_baseband_filter_bandwidth", bw ) ) } } _bandwidth = bw; return get_bandwidth(chan); } double hackrf_common::get_bandwidth( size_t chan ) { return _bandwidth; } osmosdr::freq_range_t hackrf_common::get_bandwidth_range( size_t chan ) { osmosdr::freq_range_t bandwidths; // TODO: read out from libhackrf when an API is available bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 1750000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 2500000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 3500000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 5000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 5500000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 6000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 7000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 8000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 9000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 10000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 12000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 14000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 15000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 20000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 24000000 )); bandwidths.push_back(osmosdr::range_t( 28000000 )); return bandwidths; } bool hackrf_common::set_bias( bool bias ) { int ret; if (_dev.get() && _started) { ret = hackrf_set_antenna_enable(_dev.get(), static_cast(bias)); if (ret != HACKRF_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "Failed to apply antenna bias voltage state: " << bias << HACKRF_FORMAT_ERROR(ret, "") << std::endl; } } _bias = bias; return get_bias(); } bool hackrf_common::get_bias() { return _bias; } void hackrf_common::start() { _started = true; set_bandwidth(get_bandwidth()); set_center_freq(get_center_freq()); set_sample_rate(get_sample_rate()); set_gain(get_gain()); set_bias(get_bias()); } void hackrf_common::stop() { _started = false; }