Commit Graph

2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Clayton Smith 52fcb0935f A lot of Boost functionality is available in C++11. Since GNU Radio is moving away from Boost, it probably makes sense to do so in gr-osmosdr as well.
This change removes all usage of boost::mutex,
boost::mutex::scoped_lock, boost::unique_lock, and
boost::condition_variable. It also removes usage of boost::shared_ptr
and boost::weak_ptr outside of block definitions (which must continue to
use Boost until GNU Radio 3.9).

Signed-off-by: Eric Wild <>
2020-08-02 23:52:25 +02:00
Josh Blum 2a2236cc9e soapy: support step size in gain ranges
* This change is backwards compatible and checks for API support for step size.
* Created to house common gain range functions
* Moved factory mutex declaration to common source files as well
2017-02-02 11:33:34 -08:00