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/* -*- c++ -*- */
* Copyright 2012 Dimitri Stolnikov <>
* GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gr_io_signature.h>
#include <gr_deinterleave.h>
#include <gr_float_to_complex.h>
#include "rtl_tcp_source_c.h"
#include <osmosdr_arg_helpers.h>
using namespace boost::assign;
std::string get_tuner_name( enum rtlsdr_tuner tuner_type )
if ( RTLSDR_TUNER_E4000 == tuner_type )
return "E4000";
else if ( RTLSDR_TUNER_FC0012 == tuner_type )
return "FC0012";
else if ( RTLSDR_TUNER_FC0013 == tuner_type )
return "FC0013";
else if ( RTLSDR_TUNER_FC2580 == tuner_type )
return "FC2580";
else if ( RTLSDR_TUNER_R820T == tuner_type )
return "R820T";
return "Unknown";
rtl_tcp_source_c_sptr make_rtl_tcp_source_c(const std::string &args)
return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr(new rtl_tcp_source_c(args));
rtl_tcp_source_c::rtl_tcp_source_c(const std::string &args) :
gr_make_io_signature (0, 0, 0),
gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, sizeof (gr_complex)))
std::string host = "";
unsigned short port = 1234;
int payload_size = 16384;
_freq = 0;
_rate = 0;
_gain = 0;
_corr = 0;
_auto_gain = false;
dict_t dict = params_to_dict(args);
if (dict.count("rtl_tcp")) {
std::vector< std::string > tokens;
boost::algorithm::split( tokens, dict["rtl_tcp"], boost::is_any_of(":") );
if ( tokens[0].length() && (tokens.size() == 1 || tokens.size() == 2 ) )
host = tokens[0];
if ( tokens.size() == 2 ) // port given
port = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned short >( tokens[1] );
if (dict.count("psize"))
payload_size = boost::lexical_cast< int >( dict["psize"] );
if (!host.length())
host = "";
if (0 == port)
port = 1234;
if (payload_size <= 0)
payload_size = 16384;
_src = make_rtl_tcp_source_f(sizeof(float), host.c_str(), port, payload_size,
false, false);
if ( _src->get_tuner_type() != RTLSDR_TUNER_UNKNOWN )
std::cerr << "The RTL TCP server reports a "
<< get_tuner_name( _src->get_tuner_type() )
<< " tuner with " << _src->get_tuner_gain_count()
<< " selectable gains."
<< std::endl;
set_gain_mode(false); /* enable manual gain mode by default */
/* rtl tcp source provides a stream of interleaved IQ floats */
gr_deinterleave_sptr deinterleave = gr_make_deinterleave(sizeof(float));
/* block to convert deinterleaved floats to a complex stream */
gr_float_to_complex_sptr f2c = gr_make_float_to_complex(1);
connect(_src, 0, deinterleave, 0);
connect(deinterleave, 0, f2c, 0); /* I */
connect(deinterleave, 1, f2c, 1); /* Q */
connect(f2c, 0, self(), 0);
gr_basic_block_sptr rtl_tcp_source_c::self()
return gr_hier_block2::self();
std::string rtl_tcp_source_c::name()
return "RTL TCP Client Source";
size_t rtl_tcp_source_c::get_num_channels( void )
return 1;
osmosdr::meta_range_t rtl_tcp_source_c::get_sample_rates( void )
osmosdr::meta_range_t range;
range += osmosdr::range_t( 250000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 1000000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 1024000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 1800000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 1920000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 2000000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 2048000 ); // known to work
range += osmosdr::range_t( 2400000 ); // known to work
// range += osmosdr::range_t( 2600000 ); // may work
// range += osmosdr::range_t( 2800000 ); // may work
// range += osmosdr::range_t( 3000000 ); // may work
// range += osmosdr::range_t( 3200000 ); // max rate
return range;
double rtl_tcp_source_c::set_sample_rate( double rate )
_src->set_sample_rate( int(rate) );
_rate = rate;
return get_sample_rate();
double rtl_tcp_source_c::get_sample_rate( void )
return _rate;
osmosdr::freq_range_t rtl_tcp_source_c::get_freq_range( size_t chan )
// FIXME: assumption on E4000 tuner
/* there is a (temperature dependent) gap between 1100 to 1250 MHz */
osmosdr::freq_range_t range( 50e6, 2.2e6 );
return range;
double rtl_tcp_source_c::set_center_freq( double freq, size_t chan )
_src->set_freq( int(freq) );
_freq = freq;
return get_center_freq(chan);
double rtl_tcp_source_c::get_center_freq( size_t chan )
return _freq;
double rtl_tcp_source_c::set_freq_corr( double ppm, size_t chan )
_src->set_freq_corr( int(ppm) );
_corr = ppm;
return get_freq_corr( chan );
double rtl_tcp_source_c::get_freq_corr( size_t chan )
return _corr;
std::vector<std::string> rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain_names( size_t chan )
2012-07-01 10:43:22 +00:00
std::vector< std::string > names;
names += "LNA";
return names;
osmosdr::gain_range_t rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain_range( size_t chan )
osmosdr::gain_range_t range;
/* the following gain values have been copied from librtlsdr */
/* all gain values are expressed in tenths of a dB */
const int e4k_gains[] = { -10, 15, 40, 65, 90, 115, 140, 165, 190, 215,
240, 290, 340, 420 };
const int fc0012_gains[] = { -99, -40, 71, 179, 192 };
const int fc0013_gains[] = { -99, -73, -65, -63, -60, -58, -54, 58, 61,
63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 179, 181, 182,
184, 186, 188, 191, 197 };
const int fc2580_gains[] = { 0 /* no gain values */ };
const int r820t_gains[] = { 0, 9, 14, 27, 37, 77, 87, 125, 144, 157,
166, 197, 207, 229, 254, 280, 297, 328,
338, 364, 372, 386, 402, 421, 434, 439,
445, 480, 496 };
const int unknown_gains[] = { 0 /* no gain values */ };
const int *ptr = NULL;
int len = 0;
switch (_src->get_tuner_type())
case RTLSDR_TUNER_E4000:
ptr = e4k_gains; len = sizeof(e4k_gains);
ptr = fc0012_gains; len = sizeof(fc0012_gains);
ptr = fc0013_gains; len = sizeof(fc0013_gains);
ptr = fc2580_gains; len = sizeof(fc2580_gains);
ptr = r820t_gains; len = sizeof(r820t_gains);
ptr = unknown_gains; len = sizeof(unknown_gains);
if ( ptr != NULL && len > 0 )
for (int i = 0; i < int(len / sizeof(int)); i++)
range += osmosdr::range_t( ptr[i] / 10.0f );
return range;
osmosdr::gain_range_t rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain_range( const std::string & name, size_t chan )
return get_gain_range( chan );
bool rtl_tcp_source_c::set_gain_mode( bool automatic, size_t chan )
_auto_gain = automatic;
return get_gain_mode(chan);
bool rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain_mode( size_t chan )
return _auto_gain;
double rtl_tcp_source_c::set_gain( double gain, size_t chan )
osmosdr::gain_range_t gains = rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain_range( chan );
_src->set_gain( int(gains.clip(gain) * 10.0) );
_gain = gain;
return get_gain(chan);
double rtl_tcp_source_c::set_gain( double gain, const std::string & name, size_t chan )
return set_gain(chan);
double rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain( size_t chan )
return 0;
double rtl_tcp_source_c::get_gain( const std::string & name, size_t chan )
return get_gain(chan);
std::vector< std::string > rtl_tcp_source_c::get_antennas( size_t chan )
std::vector< std::string > antennas;
antennas += get_antenna(chan);
return antennas;
std::string rtl_tcp_source_c::set_antenna( const std::string & antenna, size_t chan )
return get_antenna(chan);
std::string rtl_tcp_source_c::get_antenna( size_t chan )
return "ANT";