first answer

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Couzens 2023-05-24 16:02:24 +03:00
parent 1bd2e3cd36
commit 8bd1ad4f51
2 changed files with 28 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
[{alias, ?APP_ALIAS}, {dictionary, ?DIAMETER_DICT_SWX}, {module, ?CALLBACK_MOD}]}]).
-record(state, {
peers = #{}
peers = #{}
%% @doc starts gen_server implementation process
-spec start() -> ok | {error, term()}.
@ -108,44 +108,45 @@ init(State) ->
Proto = application:get_env(?SERVER, diameter_proto, sctp),
Ip = application:get_env(?SERVER, diameter_server_ip, ""),
Port = application:get_env(?SERVER, diameter_port, 3868),
DiaServ = diameter:start_service(?MODULE, ?SERVICE(Name)),
lager:info("DiaServices is ~p~n", [DiaServ]),
DiaServ = diameter:start_service(?MODULE, ?SERVICE),
lager:info("DiaServices is ~p~n", [DiaServ]),
Transport = connect({address, Proto, Ip, Port}),
lager:info("DiaTransport is ~p~n", [Transport]),
lager:info("DiaTransport is ~p~n", [Transport]),
{ok, State}.
test() ->
media_auth_request("123456789012345", 3, "AKA", 1, [], []).
media_auth_request("123456789012345", 3, "AKA", 1, [], []).
media_auth_request(IMSI, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, RAT, CKey = [], IntegrityKey = []) ->
Res = gen_server:call(?SERVER,
{mar, {IMSI, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, RAT, CKey, IntegrityKey}}),
lager:info("Response is ~p~n", [Res]),
% TODO Sync failure
handle_call({mar, {IMSI, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, RAT, _CKey, _IntegrityKey}}, _From, State) ->
SessionId = diameter:session_id(atom_to_list(?SVC_NAME)),
SessionId = diameter:session_id(application:get_env(?SERVER, origin_host, "")),
MAR = #'MAR'{'Session-Id' = SessionId,
'Auth-Session-State' = 1,
'User-Name' = IMSI,
'SIP-Auth-Data-Item' = #'SIP-Auth-Data-Item'{'SIP-Authentication-Scheme' = AuthScheme},
'SIP-Number-Auth-Items' = NumAuthItems,
'RAT-Type' = RAT,
'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id' = [#'diameter_base_Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'{
'Vendor-Id' = ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP,
'Auth-Application-Id' = [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX]}]
'Auth-Session-State' = 1,
'User-Name' = IMSI,
'SIP-Auth-Data-Item' = #'SIP-Auth-Data-Item'{
'SIP-Authentication-Scheme' = [AuthScheme]},
'SIP-Number-Auth-Items' = NumAuthItems,
'RAT-Type' = RAT,
'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id' = #'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'{
'Vendor-Id' = ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP,
'Auth-Application-Id' = [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX]}
Ret = diameter:call(?SVC_NAME, ?APP_ALIAS, MAR, []),
case Ret of
{ok, MAA} ->
lager:info("MAR Success"),
{reply, {ok, MAA}, State};
case Ret of
{ok, MAA} ->
lager:info("MAR Success"),
{reply, {ok, MAA}, State};
{error, Err} ->
lager:error("Error: ~w~n", [Err]),
{reply, {error, Err}, State}
{reply, {error, Err}, State}
%% @callback gen_server
handle_cast(stop, State) ->

View File

@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ prepare_request(#diameter_packet{msg = Rec}, _, {_, Caps}) ->
'Destination-Host' = [DH],
'Destination-Realm' = DR},
lager:info("Record Head ~p ~n", [Msg]),
{send, Msg}.
Encoded = diameter_codec:encode(diameter_3gpp_ts29_273_swx, Msg),
lager:info("Enc Head ~p ~n", [Encoded]),
{send, Msg}.
%% prepare_retransmit/3
prepare_retransmit(Packet, SvcName, Peer) ->